Fringe Picspams:
2 - 30 caps
2 - 60 caps
Total = 100 pts
1. Not On Track With My Own Destiny (30)
2. The REAL Reason Peter Can't Live in the Other Universe (66)
3. Seatbelts Are Fastenating (30)
4. Walter's Impossible Quote (60)
1 - Not On Track With My Own Destiny - 30 caps, blue.
2 - The REAL Reason Peter Can't Live in the Other Universe - 66 caps, lightened.
outoftime approved this one because I unknowingly reduced the sizes too small (
her comment here), not to mention only took the Peter portion of the pics I used. I just thought it looked better smaller. All caps were original screencap size before reduction, and fans of Fringe know Peter can't show up twice in the same cap, unlike Walter and Olivia. :D
3 - Seatbelts Are Fastenating - 30 caps, lightened.
4 - Walter's Impossible Quote - 60 caps, lightened and sharpened; letters inverted.
Each letter is from a separate screencap, and including the punctuation (minus spaces) is exactly 60 characters. The background is each cap I took a letter from, in order - so 60 caps. I also made sure the letters didn't completely cover a cap so that you can still tell it's 60 different pictures in the background.