The Veridicals

Jan 14, 2015 01:47

For gameofcards Challenge 037: Backstory.  I'm updating a previous entry, so I decided to recopy that portion here and add the backstory to it so it makes sense in context.

The Veridicals
Layra Temple has always been out of step with her peers, even while maintaining a popularity that most teens would envy.  Her first day of high school, however, she's shocked to visualize a scene in her history class that's clearly not in her textbook.  They may say history is alive, but it's definitely not matching what her teacher is telling her.  With the help of enigmatic new student Noah Porter, and her imaginary - or is she? - friend Pilar Monroe, Layra races through time to correct the mistakes, all while trying to solve the mystery of her own history.

Layra Temple ~ An only child, and straight A student, Layra is the perfect daughter.  She never gets in trouble and her circle of friends is never-ending.  All that changes, however, the moment she steps into her first high school classroom.

Backstory: Layra was adopted not long after her birth and is an only child.  Her parents are both professors.  They're basically a very quiet, normal family.  Layra was found as a newborn at a hospital.  By coincidence (or was it?) Pilar was also there, and recognized her powers as a Veridical.  Mainly because Layra exhibited the Veridical trait of shifting time - where time flows around her like a river - which Pilar is able to see. Pilar was able to guide the situation behind the scenes in order to place her in her parents' home.  They have Veridical roots, even though they are not Veridicals themselves, which is how Pilar knew about them.  Layra is - like other Veridicals - very smart and loves learning.  As she grew up, Pilar has been a constant presence, although Layra believes she is imaginary.  No one has ever seen Pilar, although her parents suspect who she is.  Layra's first time showing her true powers occurred when she was three and a dog scared her.  The dog barked ferociously and managed to break its leash in order to attack her.  She moved out of its way, by moving through time.  Layra doesn't recognize these as powers and does not know who she is.  Her parents keep all information away from her, for her protection.  Mainly she thinks odd things just happen to her, and she somehow just knows the right move to make to get out of the way.  Layra is very optimistic and kindhearted, but while she has a lot of common sense, she is very sheltered as to how life outside of her family and privileged upbringing works. Unknown to Layra, as a young Veridical - and worse, one who is alone - she is extremely vulnerable to danger, particularly against whoever took her and hid her from the people Pilar works with.  It's only when she meets Noah that she starts learning who she really is and being able to control her powers and protect herself.

Noah Porter ~ New student Noah is a secretive loner content to be by himself. A brilliant slacker, his history includes homelessness and multiple foster homes.  With a sarcastic wit that rivals no one, Noah quickly - and suspiciously - finds himself entangled in Layra's visions.

Backstory: Noah is a foster kid.  He's been in the system since he was born, and therefore has a lot of street smarts.  Most of his homes have not been great, with people using him just to get the paycheck from the system.  He was in a severely abusive home once, which is why he ran away and lived on the streets.  He was almost fourteen at the time, and it's the first real incident that showed his powers, although Noah isn't quite aware of it.  When his foster father went to hit him, Noah moved instantaneously.  What he doesn't know is that he moved through time.  The movement was so fast, his foster father lost his balance and fell, hitting the coffee table and forcibly knocking himself out.  Noah thought the man was dead, and that he'd get blamed for killing him, so he fled.  When he was on the run, Noah spent most of his time near a library, as the one thing he loves most is reading.  He would spend most of his time during the day hiding in the stacks, particularly since his time on the streets was mainly during the winter. Eventually, one of the librarians clued in and befriended him. That took awhile because Noah is not naturally trusting.  Eventually, once he was returned to the system, he was placed to live with her.  Noah has a record of petty theft and breaking and entering, but since his current placement he's been on the straight and narrow.

Pilar Monroe ~  Layra's imaginary friend since childhood.  Pilar is calm, sensible, and an excellent advisor.  She's always come and gone throughout Layra's life, but lately her presence has started to strengthen. Layra knows it's unusual to have an imaginary friend for so long, but has never questioned it.  That is, until she discovers Noah can see Pilar too.

Backstory: Pilar is a Sentinel.  She watches over the River of Time and the ones who protect it, called Veridicals.  She's assigned to Layra, and also later Noah.  Veridicals are extremely rare, and an event happened before Layra and Noah were born that scattered them, making tracking and finding them nearly impossible.  Pilar spends her time searching for other Veridicals and watching over Layra.  Layra was only found due to pure luck, and is currently the only Veridical found - until Noah shows up.  Veridicals are more powerful when working together, and when Noah and Layra showed up together in history class, that's what activated Layra's ability to see the disconnect from the past.  It eventually becomes known that Noah sees the disconnects for the future.  Pilar is timeless, and works with other Sentinels against whoever has scattered the Veridicals in attempts to change history and worse, keep the changes.  She is able to change her age appearance based upon what Layra and Noah expect to see.  Now that Layra and Noah have connected, she assists them however she can as they work to protect the River of Time.
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