Jan 18, 2012 13:28
Wow, so this day just won't end (and I desperately want it to). Evil deadlines, and general work-related things are making my eyes hurt, so here's what I propose ...
1. Comment here with fic, art, links, discussions, prompts (please try to use the subject lines to list fandom, etc.), chat!fic. The only catch: It must include some kind of kissing!
2. Any, and all fandoms and pairings are welcome!
3. No minimum length required
4. All genres are a go! Angst, porn, schmoop/fluff. The sky's the limit. No, really.
5. Usually, fandom is pretty good about these things, but it's worth mentioning: Don't be an asshat.
It'd be super awesome if you all could help me pimp this out to get some traffic! Now, go and have fun! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS ♥ ♥
kissing meme,
meme: fandom