I was wondering if that was Ben or in fact Callum. HEE. I wondered that too, though I want to say it's Callum and something must have happened off camera to give him the giggles? Either way, Kari Skogland is good to us. I say she should always direct him. *g*
The way they dealt with the intensity of those bomb scenes... and then coming back to him being alone again with the note! It left me all flaily and making squeaky noises. I just... *flails*
I've loved all the episodes, but this one is the best so far. Each one is more tricky than the last. Excellent work, and, yeah, I hope people start watching and it doesn't get canceled. That would totally suck.
I thought so too. :) I've been looking around for viewing figures for this week, haven't found anything for Shattered. It makes me nervous. *clings to show*
Comments 4
Donuts in the elevator... Ben trying not to laugh. HIS LITTLE FACE!!!! :D
:DDDDDD I was wondering if that was Ben or in fact Callum.
Always nice to see the boys in the bathroom. Ahem. OMFG BEN'S BELT IS STILL UNDONE. *DIES*
MULTIPLE PERSONALITY MELTDOWN. Omg. The crying! More to the point, THE BOMB. Holy f*cksticks.
So calm for just having disabled something that could have vaporized them. Huh.
Well finally Lynch goes postal on his ass. That was needed I think. *g*
I lost count how many times I watched this scene. OMG AWESOME.
Personality switch! Is this one Sam? I think I like him too. CRAZY! Oooh did he just call that guy a pussy? Meeeowww.
Oh. o.O
And this one. WIN.
How sad made me his "don't wanna die" note in the end! :((((
I was wondering if that was Ben or in fact Callum.
HEE. I wondered that too, though I want to say it's Callum and something must have happened off camera to give him the giggles? Either way, Kari Skogland is good to us. I say she should always direct him. *g*
The way they dealt with the intensity of those bomb scenes... and then coming back to him being alone again with the note! It left me all flaily and making squeaky noises. I just... *flails*
SHOW. SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU. *happy sigh*
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