OMG. Snatched from
The trick is to go
here, pick a short (up to 150 words) paragraph of your text, then translate it into any language available there, and back to English. The result is somewhat interesting. ^^
"Oh my God… This is all my fault. I never got to say goodbye, I never made it up with him… You know, we had this old argument… I used to tell him he’s a narrow-minded old fool and in return he called me crazy f - um, never mind that… my point is, I shoulda made peace with him while I still could."
"H ο Θεός μου... Αυτό είναι όλο το ελάττωμά μου. Δεν πήρα ποτέ να πω αντίο, δεν το αποτέλεσα ποτέ με τον... Ξέρετε, είχαμε αυτό το παλαιό επιχείρημα... Χρησιμοποίησα για να του του πω ένας αδιάλλακτος παλαιός ανόητος και σε αντάλλαγμα με κάλεσε τρελλό φ - um, ποτέ μυαλό που... το σημείο μου είναι, γίνοντη shoulda ειρήνη ι με τον ενώ μπόρεσα ακόμα."
"OH my God... This is all my fault. I did not take never I say goodbye, him I constituted never with... You know, we had this old argument... I used in order to his to him I say one intolerant old fool and in return me it called trello' f - um, never brain that... my point is, gj'nonti shoulda peace I with while I still could."