Stolen from
mizure ▮ Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper on their LiveJournal.
▮ Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper!
▮ Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on!
I know what you're all thinking... so SHUT UP!
I have this as my wallpaper and you all better be damn happy this is what I had today instead of
this. So, there. [I can hear sound of Cube Muse Fainting and hitting the floor now...]
For obvious reasons, I have this as my desktop because I love Reisen. It is from a pic that I added orange dots to and kinda warped them as they got closer to Reisen. "Why orange dots?" One, I love the color orange. Two, I have been associating orange dots for backgrounds for Reisen ever since a pic/icon Floogy showed me. Needless to say, it stuck. I guess this is unneeded proof I'm obsessed... like any of you had any doubt to begin with. If you're ill and DID have doubt, well here you are. ENJOY!
*hugs Rabbit plush named after Reisen and Eirin*