Log: Flowerclock

Jul 13, 2008 02:02

Marc: "This is all...rather over my head," Marc says simply. He looks to Robbie. "Penance, right?"
Allistar figured but worth a shot. "Eh. S'okay. TV has reruns." Mwahahaa.
Sailor_Jupiter rolls her eyes. "That thing. One day, I need to sit down and see what the fuss is about." As a note, her skirt is a Senshi skirt. Panty shots are practically unavoidable.
Robbie: Yeah.
Allistar noticed. ::D "I always liked the blue haired one, anyway. Chicks in glasses. Yes."
Sailor_Jupiter: ...Yeah, let's not be hitting on my girlfriend.
SomaC tries hard not to roll his eyes.
Ilario is sort of wondering about the short skirt thing.. Wait whut?
Ami_Mizuno wanders in, convienently. She waves at everyone, smiling at familiar faces.
Marc: "General Marc, Aristan Foundling Guard. Hope things are reasonably better for your people." It's not a question, really.
Allistar sputters. "That--" more sputtering. "That is /awesome/."
takhys is now known as Njoki
Marc nods politely, trying to ascertain if it's the Sailor Mercury he met.
Ilario: Your girlfriend?
Sailor_Jupiter: ...I've fallen into a fan trap, haven't I?
Njoki , in her cowboy gear, moseys in from the yard. Yeehaw?
Sailor_Jupiter: Not that one. Mine's a little older.
Sailor_Jupiter: Hey, Ami.
Allistar: Only vaguely. I promise not to hump your leg and I shower frequently.
Ami_Mizuno sighs, staring around. "Jupiter?"
Allistar sees Ami come in and that is awesome timing.
Sailor_Jupiter: Yep.
Marc looks over from being about to ask Ami things. "Good evening, Mrs. Rainmaker."
Robbie: They're... *shrugs, helplessly We're doing... did... the best we can. Thanks.
Ilario: So you two are famous?
Sailor_Jupiter: I am. I don't know about Ami over there.
SomaC nods a greeting to Njoki.
Njoki: "H'lo." Doot, doot, she's going to go get a glass of lemonade and settle somewhere near Robbie.
Marc nods to Robbie, not going to try to get into it.
Ami_Mizuno: I'd hope not.
Robbie raises his water at 'Ki. Hey.
Kacey lets Allistar have the potatoes back-- not that she's left much-- and folds her arms on the bar so she can rest her chin on them. Tiiiiiired.
Allistar pats Kacey on the shoulder. "Hello everyone who just walked in."
Sailor_Jupiter leans back, raising a hand and waving it slowly. Rose petals snap into existance around it, and start to spiral around in a pattern. "Yeah, keeping everything quiet made life a lot easier in my world."
Njoki: "So, what's the news?"
Marc: "Evening, miss." He directs to Ami. "We've got a few recent arrivals from whatever 'pocket dimension' the kidnapping victims are in."
Ami_Mizuno: Do we?
Ami_Mizuno shifts into serious mode.
Allistar waves his hand at Ami. "Hello."
Njoki: "...wait, we know what's happened to them?"
Allistar: Plaster victim on my back, somebody? Skips the question. Gotta write that FAQ, I swear.
Marc nods to Allistar and Kacey. "But they don't have much information on who's behind it or what could be done. Apparently, the he got out after being ' killed,' she got out after an explosion"
Allistar mumbles.
Marc is succinct. And will explain to Njoki when he can.
Ami_Mizuno gives half a nod to Allistair. "Hello."
Marc: "It does not seem to be /quite/ the same situation that was described about last summer."
Ami_Mizuno: You have to admit, though, the similarities.
Sailor_Jupiter: That's what I said.
Kacey is being talked about! Oh hi there.
Allistar pokes Kacey. "How far'd'you and Harry make it, anyway?"
Ilario is going to listen, since he has nothing to add to the conversation.
Ami_Mizuno: So what can they -- *turns to Allistar and KaceyOr if you don't mind repeating, what can you tell us?
Robbie: Dude, I'd consider just printing up business cards.
Allistar: Short version or the long?
Robbie is a helper.
Allistar glances at Robbie. "I know, right?" Serious agreement here.
Ami_Mizuno: Long version.
Ami_Mizuno isn't sure what other people might have missed from it -- no offense, Makoto.
Allistar huffs a long suffering sigh! And has some more JD.
Sailor_Jupiter isn't too concerned. After all, Ami and Makoto, mini-type, are on the job.
Allistar: For starter's, it was a party. Seemed normal enough. Purple guy I assume is a mutant came on stage when the music finished, name of Killcorpse or something. No one could leave. And then it wasn't the same party, it was all in ruins.
Allistar glances at kacey. "I'm getting that right, aren't I?"
Kacey nods. "It turned into someplace else. Woods."
Sailor_Jupiter: ...Killcorpse.
Sailor_Jupiter rolls her eyes.
Ami_Mizuno: What was the transition?
Allistar is bad with names, what? "Tran--oh. Uh. It was. Then it wasn't."
Allistar is real helpful.
Robbie puses, trying to place why that sounds familar. Huh.
SomaC listens to this conversation as he drinks his lemonade.
Ami_Mizuno turns to Kacey instead. "A clean break, then?"
Allistar waves a hand, dismissive, and has a drink. "Anyway. You'd have to ask the kid how it went for her, but me I wound up finding this door. To like a mansion. Nice looking place, whatever. And there's a banquet table set up." He chews his lip.
Ami_Mizuno: Did anything stand out about the mansion? Other than the banquet table.
Allistar: Not anything particular, no. Just that the table was piled with food and there were some stains and stuff. I. Uh. Didn't make it much further than that. Sorry."
Kacey shrugs. "I dunno, not much happened. Mostly I was with Jeff and Soze and a guy who killed Jeff once or something and they were arguing a lot, so I went off and found a town or something. And Harry was there."
Robbie mouths something silently, trying to... nope. He lost it. This is ognna bug him -all night.-
Ami_Mizuno: *There's so much information missing Ami can't quite decide where to startHarry?
Allistar smiles at Kacey in a very 'it's okay' manner.
Kacey: The guy I was with who was helping me try to figure a way out.
Ami_Mizuno: What was the town like?
Robbie mutters to Njoki.
Allistar rubs his chin. "Why don't you ask specific questions? I'm a crap storyteller. I want to help but aside from the gem that is "die and you reappear in the Nexus" I don't have much."
Kacey: Old and abandoned? Kind of smashed up.
Marc: "If that's all there is to it," Marc looks to Ami. "My guess is ours will be some of the last out."
Ami_Mizuno sighs. "Killcorpse, was it? That could be a lead, or a pseudonym."
Marc: "But I definitely hope otherwise."
Sailor_Jupiter: Killcorpse sounds more like a pseudonym.
Robbie: ...purple. *-frowns-*
Njoki turns from Robbie to ask, "Why don't you ask in the Nexus? There can't be that many purple people, eh?"
Robbie has that 'aaagh it's on the TIP OF MY TONGUE' look.
Ami_Mizuno: Why would it be more of it? The... last thing that happened, what was the point?
Ami_Mizuno: It's... worth a shot, I suppose.
Allistar frowns. "I'm crap at remembering, sorry. I'm also crap at rescuing people, evidently! But whatever." :|
Robbie: Purple, purple... fuck. I wish Rich was still alive. He knew this stuff. And spent five minutes telling you their favorite breakfast cereal, but whatever.
Marc: "I don't know. I never got any clear reports on what happened last summer." Marc looks to Njoki. "A couple of us have asked around on the disappearances in the Nexus. The...capacities of the people who /don't/ know what can be done about it are rather disturbing."
SomaC: So you might know who it was?
Ami_Mizuno turns to Robbie. "Or at least have a guess?"
Allistar pokes the JD bottle before drinking. "Purple mutant. Killcorpse, I think. I mean the other thing I'm thinkin' is Gravemind and that's some Halo shit."
Robbie: There's, uh... god. There's some guy in our world calls himself the Purple Man? I guess. But I dunno what he does or what his real name is. But he's purple.
Ami_Mizuno: Halo?
Marc: "Just to clarify, the 'god' part wasn't a description, right?" You never know around here.
Ami_Mizuno: Well... this is the Nexus. Remarkable as purple is, that's not enough to go on.
Allistar gesutres dismissively for Ami. "Videogame in my world. Probably someone's actual world but anyway."
HotAndCold is now known as Simmons
Simmons PINs in, looking a bit tenser than usual, which is actually rather impressive, given that his default level of tense is pretty up there. He beelines for a chair that he knows can take his weight and just sinks into it, without even bothering to acknowledge anybody who's here. Exasperated SPARTAN is exasperated. SPEAKING OF HALO, huh?
Allistar asks of Robbie, "You happen to know his power? I mean. He like stopped everyone."
Ami_Mizuno: If it's someone's actual world, it might not just be an anyway.
Njoki: "I dunno. I haven't seen many purple people in the Nexus. I say that if you wanna know, you're better off asking."
Allistar blinks. "Speaking of." Blinkblink.
Robbie: Nah. *shakes his head Small time villain. I dunno. Um -- something to do with his colour.
Sailor_Jupiter glances at Simmons and cocks her head. "...One of Grif's friends?"
Matt is now known as mafkttbbiab
Marc: "Not to mention that this Kill-corpse is probably /in/ the same ...'pocket dimension' as the others,, leaving us /still/ with the issue of how to get to him."
Allistar: Wait until the game is over?
Ami_Mizuno turns to look at Simmons, then Allistar. "Hm?"
Robbie: If the base wasn't wrecked, I could go back and check our files, or whatever. I guess, uh, ask the Nexus, still.
SomaC: But - who knows what else in that place.
Allistar: "...Halo." He points not so discreetly. "In the game one of the villians is like a big sea. Monster thing. Called Gravemind."
Simmons looks at Jupiter and pauses for a minute before answering. "I guess you could say that."
Njoki: "Is it purple?"
Allistar: Not that I know of, no.
Ami_Mizuno: ...Halo.
SomaC: Purple... purple - *He closed his eyes, trying to think*
Sailor_Jupiter nods.
Marc: "I'm feeling pretty frustrated." Marc looks to Njoki and, finally, explains. "Luc's been missing four days."
SomaC: so is Phoenix, *he added*
Njoki takes a deep breath. "There are only a few of us here, why doesn't someone take the information we -do- have an ask in the Nexus?"
Robbie: Listen to the lady. *points at her*
Allistar sighs. "Harry didn't come in with the kid and I haven't seen Fish pop back yet either."
Sailor_Jupiter: She makes sense.
Robbie then touches his nose. "Not it."
Ami_Mizuno nods. "I will, unless someone else thinks they should."
Njoki does the same. Not it!
Simmons: "We have information now?"
Robbie: ((PLUS it gives FP a chance to have Jessica freak out. >____>))
Allistar makes a face. "You do not want me to ask. Really."
Marc rumbles a little. With the exception of SOME of the company, he has no idea what Aurelia and a few of The Boys see in the Nexus. Almost nothing but trouble. "Please do, ma'am. You're a bit more established and people may approach you better than they did me."
Ilario slips out.
Ami_Mizuno: Purple man named Killcorpse or Gravemind, when they die they come back to the Nexus... I could ask if anyone else has come out of it... anything else?
Sailor_Jupiter: Mention the illusions.
Sailor_Jupiter: Or reality warping. Whatever it is.
Allistar speaks up, "It's a game. The guy called it a game. And the pocket dimension bit."
Ami_Mizuno glances over to the older Makoto, slightly disappointed by the reminder she won't help on this phase of the investigation. "Pocket dimension. Game. Reality warping. He stopped everyone. And..."
Sailor_Jupiter: And from the sounds of things, they weren't picky about targets. I hear a few good people went in there, but Kacey mentioned a possible murderer trapped there too.
Marc: "There are total civilians, professional soldiers, and people with /immense/ preternatural abilities in there. I haven't been able to see any pattern at all"
Allistar: Or skill levels. Yeah, like marc said.
Ami_Mizuno nods. "We have only one connection for that, I believe?"
Allistar taps his chin. "Is there a list of people who /are/ missing?"
Kacey: Soze'n Dom are /both/ murderers. :(
Njoki: "Fish is gone, too."
Sailor_Jupiter: The skinny little pale kid?
Ami_Mizuno: I have a partial. Can everyone give me full names of anyone they know is gone?
Allistar makes a little face at the name.
Sailor_Jupiter: Real quiet?
Allistar takes a drink before offering, "Fish might. Pop up soon."
SomaC: Phoenix Wright. *He answered Ami, as he thought about everything*
Marc: "Luc. Miss Altalita Bastian. Jeffrey Levitt. Fish. Grif. Mr. Phoenix Wright. the son of a Mr. Halla-Barra who may or may not have a similar name."
Marc: "And apparently, Keyser Soze."
Sailor_Jupiter: Phoenix and Grif are missing? Shit.
Ami_Mizuno looks to Allistar and Kacey. "Anyone either of you were with?"
Ami_Mizuno refrains, barely, from sighing at Makoto.
Allistar hitches a thumb at Kacey. "Harry didn't show up with her, but they were together."
Simmons doesn't really know anybody who's missing except for Grif, and Marc just beat him to it, so he doesn't say anything.
Robbie snickers just quietly at 'Keyser Soze.' Man, -Nexus.-
WillPlaine tumbles in, clutching his stomach and -laughing-. Yeah, you know what he looks like.
SomaC stops, and stares as Will stumbles in.
Marc: "I've noticed that no one has seen the.......Gentleman in Yellow for some time either, though no one is certain if he is actually missing."
Robbie straightens, a bit, and stares. "Shi..."
Marc looks up.
Allistar arches a brow. Right. Weird. And he will have some more whiskey. He's getting buzzed, man.
SomaC: What the... *he scowled, teeth bared*
Ami_Mizuno turns to stare at Will.
Sailor_Jupiter blinks and stares at Will. Whu?
Simmons glares at Will. This is serious business time, you know. B|
WillPlaine helps himself up by pulling himself up with along side a chair. Oh, oh, -wait-, there is not a shotgun blast through him. Isn't that just keen? "Hi, kids." :D
Sailor_Jupiter: Hi. Having fun?
Kacey is dozing in and out a bit, because she's tired and her mun is distracted. "I was with Jeff and Soze, I /told/ you."
Allistar: "And a fond cheers to you." No really, what? What the hell?
WillPlaine: "Oh yah, baby. Oh, yeah."
Robbie mutters. "...shit man." He leans over to 'Ki, still staring at Will.
WillPlaine rubs his hands over his stomach...and a little lower...ahem. It's good to be whole.
Robbie gets up, shielding his eyes. Aaaagh. DX
Allistar makes a face. "Are you a causality of the party war, yes or no?"
Ami_Mizuno blinks, waiting for the answer.
WillPlaine: "Casuality? Oh no, sweetie, not casual at all."
WillPlaine is in a neat suit. Heck, he even has spats for his shoes.
Allistar looks horrified at being called 'sweetie'.
SomaC is slowly twitching, his hands clenched into fists.
WillPlaine: "Why? Are there other little lost ducklings who're coming back? Are they whole? Did they -die-?" Did they get the joke, is the really important question.
Robbie is going to skedaddle out of here, having been a comic book fan in his youth. He may or may not be accompanied by Njoki.
Njoki skedaddles!
Allistar scowls. "I. Want. To fukken hit you."
SomaC: Too bad he made it where you can't.
Sailor_Jupiter: Something wrong?
Allistar: Well he's a dick then, isn't he?
SomaC has a forced smile. "To say the least."
Marc doesn't have time for this. "Happen to have seen a one-armed man in a tunic, sir?" He asks the disturbing laughing person.
WillPlaine swoons! Oh, your words wound him. "Sticks and stones..."
WillPlaine: "Yes, he killed my wife."
Allistar is /so angry/. Too bad it's all ineffectual rage because Allistar is crap at fighting. "When does the game end?"
Marc raises an eyebrow. "As I doubt we're talking aboutg the same person, I'll tkae my leave. Good evening, everyone."
Marc walks out
WillPlaine minces over to a chaise longe and drapes himself over the bit of furniture. Tsk, tsk, some people just can't take a joke.
SomaC slowly gets up, perhaps he should leave before he does something insanely stupid.
Allistar , in a fit of maturity, chucks a cheesy potato at Will.
SomaC: *or escape the stupidity of others*
Ami_Mizuno turns to Makoto. "Should I go ask the question, then?"
SomaC: I'm going to go out and look for them.
WillPlaine catches it and daintily nibbles.
SomaC almost huffs as he walks out of the Sanctuary
Sailor_Jupiter thinks for a moment and nods. "Now's a good a time as any. Especially if anyone can give us clues before someone dies again." For real.
WillPlaine is such a good people person, really.
Allistar just sulks then. Bah.
Ami_Mizuno nods, waves, and turns to leave.

logs, flowerclock, grif, makoto

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