Aino_Minako looks around. "Much calmer out here."
Usagi: Yeah. It's way too busy in there.
Ara is sitting out here as well, on a bench. She has to sit sideways on it, though, since, wings.
Aino_Minako: ...I'm sorry for being all yelly. I just get worried.
Ara: Yeah, s'real busy tonight.
Usagi: Hey. No problem.
Usagi: You didn't have to threaten me, though...
Aino_Minako: I got carried away. I really do have those tickets, though...
Ara sips her soda.
Usagi: That's still really cool!
Usagi *Oh Usagi.*
Aino_Minako: I know, right? I've been thinking, maybe I know, /depose/ her or something.
Ara doesn't really know what to say here, not really knowing either of them that well.
Usagi We should go and pose as her and her friends. And pick up all sorts of cute guys!
Ara ...*facepalms*
Usagi: If she can be an international pop star, so can you.
Ami enters the Yard, shaking her head ... what are they trying to do *now*? ... watch Ami attempt to scoot behind a tree surreptitiously. DOES IT WORK? :O
Aino_Minako: It's true! You know, I got my mom to agree to singing lessons if I do better in school.
Ara notices Ami through her eye's scanners, but doesn't say anything, "You two sure that's a good idea?" Ara, it's probably not wise to try. But then, Arabelle's not exactly the patron saint of wisdom.
Usagi is unaware, Ami! "It is pure brilliance, Wing-chan!"
Ara /Wing-chan?/ "...I mean, there could be other differences in that reality you guys don't know about."
Aino_Minako is unaware, too! "It's a flawless plan! If I end up looking a lot like her...heh heh. Boys to the end of the world!"
MiniAmi is taking a less stealthy version of her alt's approach! ...She's standing in the doorway and trying to be very small. Is this a serious conversation? (with these three?)
Ami introduces her forehead to the tree, briefly.
Ara is trying to talk Aino and Usagi out of a potential Bad Idea. It's probably not going to work
Aino_Minako: Though Wing-chan has a point. We'll need to take some precations.
Usagi: Hm. Maybe we'd have to observe her. Carefully. Or I could pretend to be your bodyguard?
Ara: ...*dryYeah, -that's- real believable.
Usagi: I have disguises.
Aino_Minako: You'd be surprised. If you look the part, no one will question--one time I used my disguise pen to look like a nurse. No one even mentioned the fact that I long ago was that?
Usagi: I've been a cop once or twice!
Aino_Minako: Me, too! It was funny because I had this really short skirt and all these guys...actually, it was kinda creepy.
Ara: ..Well, I got 'em sidetracked, but for god knows how /long/
Usagi: ...Doctors are dirty perverts too, huh?
Usagi: Hope Ami-chan doesn't end up like that...
Usagi shudders a little.
MiniAmi coughs, covering her mouth and... her facial expression is interesting.
Ara glances towards the Ami at the door.
MiniAmi darts behind the door! Stealth.
Aino_Minako: I don't think that'll be a problem with Ami-chan. If anything....oh, hi Ami-chan! *She wasn't going to say ANYTHING. Especially nothing connecting Ami with loli.*
Usagi blinks and glances to the yard. "HI! Uh. Ami. Hey."
MiniAmi reappears in the frame. "Erp. Um. Hi, Usagi."
Ara: Hi.
Grif walks out here, helmet on but otherwise somewhat casual.
Ara: Hi.
MiniAmi waves to Grif with a little grimace.
Grif: "Yo."
Aino_Minako looks at Grif. "You're big."
Grif chuckles. "Yeah, I figure they re-engineer us to be all tall like this so they don't have to have too many different armor sizes."
Ara: He's actually taller than me, which is kinda sayin' something.
Ara is, for the record, five foot eleven.
Aino_Minako is average height for her age. Though she has the longest legs you've ever seen.
Ara -would- have damn impressive legs herself, if they weren't all scarred up and constantly covered.
Usagi is that girl! With another impressive set of legs, and more impressive hair. Hi. Dumplinghead.
Usagi: Couldn't they do it like our skirts? One size fits all?
Usagi ...hasn't looked at Makoto lately. Huh.
Ara (..Alas, Ara is still also wearing the skull cap, her hair's starting to grow back, but it's slow going).
Aino_Minako: Are our skirts all one size? I just figured they were magical, too.
MiniAmi: "That would be the logical conclusion. Did anyone ever figure them out?"
Usagi: Well, I don't really know, but they cover about the same amount of skin?
Usagi: Ami figured them out enough to redesign everyone's uniforms.
Ara: I assumed they were customized or something.
Grif: "Including the possibility for *pants*?" B|
Aino_Minako: Psh. Redesign them...they were originally designed that way for a reason, I say!
MiniAmi: "Good to know!" ...Ami is interested in pants a little bit, kay.
Usagi: Now if only Makoto would decide on a style that didn't involve lots of armor... You ever notice that it's never really the same twice?
Usagi: ...Why would you want pants?
Grif: "...Because they're more practical for going out and fighting in? I wouldn't knock the armor, either, personally."
Ara: ..So you wouldn't flash everyone you fight?
Ara wingflick
MiniAmi really likes being able to pretend that doesn't happen, Ara :_:
Aino_Minako: I dream of a world where the Sailor Senshi actually look like sailors. Why call ourselves Sailor Senshi if we're not in our cute and sexily deadly sailor fuku?!
Ami coughs and comes out from behind her tree at last. "Actually, when I helped Makoto redesign her outfit, we added pants."
Ara is a practical gal, thanks.
Usagi: Ami! Hi! Uh. long have you been there?
Grif: "I never got what was with the sailor thing in the first place. I mean, you guys don't really spend that much time at sea, right?"
Usagi: We sailed a sea of stars, once upon a time.
Ami closes her eyes and pinkens a little. "Long enough."
MiniAmi: "Ami-san!" A bow.
Ara: Hi.
Aino_Minako sighs wistfully.
Ami: "Once upon a time." She sighs. This is apparently a very nostalgic thought for all the Fuckcanon girls.
Usagi looks up at the sky and sighs, herself. "...I wonder if Artemis is as good a pilot as Luna..."
MiniAmi just sort of files it away as useful for someday.
Grif: "Very poetic." He's being good, and... mostly restraining his sarcasm for how much time he has for poetry.
Aino_Minako:, I don't think he is.
Ami: "... and Makoto's father from the Silver Millenium helped design our original costumes, so I imagine that had a bit to do with the skirts." If she ever meets Lord Jupiter she's going to have some words with him about "appropriateness" and "your DAUGHTER" and "PROFESSIONAL HELP", oh yes.
Usagi: ...Considering Makoto's legs, that gets a little creepy.
Grif: "That's... uh. Er." Do not say creepy. Do not say creepy. Do not-- oh, Usagi said it for him.
Ara: ...Iiii'd have to agree, with -that- new info.
Ami winces. "... Usagi-*chan..."
Usagi: Then again, from what I remember of the Lord Jupiter, he, uh. Didn't much care what the various Kingdoms thought of him.
Usagi: Whaaaaaat?
Aino_Minako: HE designed the fuku? I feel so do realise this has changed everything forever?
MiniAmi looks over to Ami with a look that says, with typical Ami meekness and typical Senshi ferociousness, 'how hard can we hit him?'
Usagi: Then again, someone had to have given him some input. No man is that good at picking out accessories and boots like he seems to be.
Ami blinks. "..." what has science done ._. "He *helpeddesign them, he didn't have the final say!"
Grif: "Well. No straight man, anyway."
Aino_Minako: Oh, thank GOD. So it was Queen Serenity, then, right? RIGHT? Please?
Ara: You'd be surprised about some chicks.
Usagi: ...My mother approved them?
MiniAmi: "Please? /Please?/"
Ami: "... can we stop speculating about Mako-chan's father's sexual proclivities, please. I - I don't need to think about this, okay?"
MiniAmi does NOT approve of her not-girlfriend having a creepy and disturbing father B| (That is not a double negative)
Grif: "I'm not sure that really makes it any less creepy."
Ami holds up a hand. "... ah, hold on?" One moment PLEASE?
MiniAmi: "Can we just drop this line of conversation?"
Aino_Minako: It does! It's because Queen Serenity, the most powerful and beautiful queen EVER /knew/ the value of beauty in the face of overwhelming evil!
Ara: ..God good this is a weird convo.
Usagi: ...Ami-chan, are you okay?
Grif doesn't say anything, but behind the reflective facebowl of his helmet, he's silently mouthing to himself, "('the value of beauty in the face of overwhelming evil' ?!?!)"
MiniAmi waits to see her other self's reaction.
Ara is similar. If they have crazy magical tech, where's the power suits and power armor? Come -on-.
Ara is sitting on a bench
Ariekne is now known as Ari
Ari is the pointy-eared, glowy-eyed floating elf with a mug of tea floating out here.
Aino_Minako: I just don't get it. I repeat, we can't be Sailor Senshi if we don't look like sailors.
Grif . o O { No. NO. We're trying to change the subject, do not get into how sailors where you come from wear pants. Be good. }
Ami sighs. "We don't look much like Sailors to begin with, unfortunately."
Ari: Sailors wear pants.
Usagi: Girl sailors don't.
Ari: Even female sailors.
Aino_Minako: Not the female ones. They wear skirts, just like every other professional woman.
Ami: "Yes they do, Usagi-chan."
Grif nods.
Ari: All the girls who are sailors I know, wear pants.
MiniAmi sighs, and facepalms.
Ami facefaults at Minako. Like, literally falls over from shock.
Ara blinks a bit at that.
Usagi: Are you sure they're women?
Aino_Minako: Well, well, well, what about the Police's Superintendent? She wears skirts. Also, she's my biggest fan. So there.
Ari: My father attempted to order one of them to wear a skirt, and she nearly turned him into an ice cube.
Usagi: Some guys look really girly. Remember Zoicite?
MiniAmi: "Are you..." Ami works her over to her alternate and offers a hand. Come stand with Grif and be sane? "alright?"
Ami: "... I'm afraid I have grown entirely too used to talking with Americans," Ami says, from her position on the ground. "They expect their professional women to wear pants."
Ari: I'm not American.
Ara: And personally, I'd be defiant and wear pants anyway.
Usagi: Americans are weird.
Ari: I'm not even /human./
Ari may be being ignored. It's just not her day, is it?
MiniAmi: "There's nothing with pants. And I'm sure there's nothing wrong with Americans either."
Ari: Well, generally there's something wrong with most humans.
Ari: You just have to find out what.
Aino_Minako: See? She doesn't like pants either.
Usagi is listening, Ariekne. Skirts are more important.
Ari: Though there's smomething wrong with most elves too.
Ari is wearing a long robe, but under it, she has pants!
Ara is wearing jeans and a backless shirt
Aino_Minako: BAH. You people.
Ami takes her alt's hand, belatedly, and pulls herself to her feet. "... this is a most baffling conversation!"
MiniAmi pokes Ami in the shoulder, belatedly remembering something she really shouldn't be asking about.
Hats is now known as DeliaHarbor
Ara: I dunno, I've heard worse conversations.
Ari: Me, too.
Ara has -participated- in worse conversations
Grif: "Yeah, there've totally been worse."
Ami attempts to desperately apply logic to this discussion"You can't kick someone in the face properly in pants, Usagi-chan."
Ara: I beg to differ
Grif: "...Yes, you can."
Ara: I've totally kicked someone in the face all-proper in pants.
Ami meant SKIRTS
Ari: You can most /certainly/ kick someone int he face in pants.
Ami meant *SKIRTS*
Ari: I've done it many, many, many times.
Usagi: ...I've never seen Makoto kick someone's head off in pants.
Ara: ((Whups))
Grif: ((Oh. Rewind!))
Ami facepalms.
Ami: "I meant *skirts*, sorry." -_-;;;
Ari: Well, you can't kicks someone properly unless you've got something on under it.
Ami: "... Freudian slip? Aheh."
Grif: "ha."
Usagi: Are you sure? I've never noticed a difference.
Ara: I don't wear skirts, so.
Aino_Minako: Of course you can! Skirts allow for the freest movement, making fighting that much easier.
MiniAmi hasn't done all that much kicking people in the face yet, will stay quiet for a bit.
Ami shakes her head and mutters, "I wonder if they'd be so happy for skirts if they knew what their outfits were *supposedto look like before Serenity fiddled with them ..."
Ara morbidly curious about -that-.
Usagi: ...Hu?
Ari: Well, humans are not good with making armor useful.
Ari: I've see what they'd like to dress female elves in, if they had their way.
Aino_Minako: Ami-chan. You can't say that and then not spill the beans.
Ari ROLLS HER EYES a lot at this.
Grif looks down at his... all-encompassing, very useful armor.
Ari wears a long robe past her feet, and shirt, pants, belt, and more.
Ami closes her eyes. "Do you really want to see them?" Please say no, please say no ...
Ara 's wings flick and resettle
Usagi: YES.
MiniAmi is caught between 'future stuff that needs avoiding for now'/'potential brainbreak' and her wretched curiosity. Curiosity wins. "Please show us."
Grif facepalms and backs away a little.
Ara doesn't move, but she does shift to see a bit better. Ohboy.
Aino_Minako: Of course we want to see them!
Ami sheds a single perfect tear for her dignity (mentally), and pulls out her henshin pen. "I have to be transformed for this to work properly, then. I've been working on a flat holographic display matrix in my visor and I think I've got it usable enough for this."
Grif also quietly marks the following segment of footage as Not For Sending To ONI.
Usagi: ...I have no clue what she just said.
Ara: Just give her a minute and she'll show you
Ami holds the pen up, blah blah lightshow, blah blah if this were on TV this would take thirty seconds but here it takes two, blah blah -
Ara understood all of that.
Ami is now known as SailorMercury
SailorMercury transforms, revealing a buttoned white overcoat, fingerless blue gloves, blue boots, and what look like bluish biking pants but ... aren't exactly, with her visor auto-equipped and a headset mic attached.
Ara: ..Huh. Nice.
SailorMercury redesigned her uniform HEAVILY, obviously.
Aino_Minako: ...oh, Ami-chan. How could you?
Ara: Actually, I /like/ that.
Usagi: ...I added rainbows to my skirt.
Usagi: But I kept the skirt.
Ara somehow not surprised.
MiniAmi likes it!
Grif: "Yeah, 's not bad. I'd have gone with more armor plating, but otherwise, not bad."
Aino_Minako sighs.
SailorMercury: "Hold on a moment." She taps the side of her coat and little yyellow traces flare where her fingers touch, then vanish only to reappear on her visor. After a moment, there's an audible *clickand a staticy yellow display rotates a D image of five beskirted costumes Well, they haven't changed much, it seems.
Usagi: ...My God. Makoto's /father/ designed hers?
Ara: Jeez, man.
Usagi: Mine doesn't look to bad, but...
Grif: "Complete with the hugely exposed midriff, just waiting for a bad guy to go for the gut shot?"
Usagi rubs her belly. "We really do have protections for our bare skin, y'know."
Ara eyebrows up, "Okay, I hate to admit it, but the outfits y'all ended up with are actually /more/ practical." ..Bear is driving how can this be.
Aino_Minako: They were so cute!
Ari: Though the googles aren't exactly Gadgetstorms.
Usagi: Yours pretty much looks like Sailor V.
SailorMercury nods. The image wobbles in time to her head movement. "In his defense, the uniforms come with a skinseal coat that's stronger than most metals, so you could quite honestly design them however you like and the amount of protective covering you'd get would not change in the slightest."
Ari: Still, it just seems that that they're designed for appearence and not for battle.
Ari: The strongest warriors sometimes wear the most mismatched armor.
MiniAmi finds that very interesting. But... ahrkakas;
SailorMercury turns off the image with another taptaptap.
Aino_Minako: And Sailor V looks /great/. Why mess with the winning formula? :
Usagi: ...Makoto's not going to save the world in that, is she?
SailorMercury: "The difference is, when these costumes were designed, we weren't soldiers." She swallows. "We were princesses. We didn't know how to fight - from what I can remember I didn't know how to make my own bed until I was at least ."
Ara: Oooh.
Usagi: ...You learned to make your bed?
Ara: That makes more sense.
Grif: "Aha."
Ari: Well, that makes sense.
SailorMercury facefaults again. "Usagi-*chan..."
Ari: But still, at least a long skirt.
Aino_Minako: Where did you find the time, Ami-chan?
Ara: ..Uh. Sorry if I offended, then. Th' mouth tends to shoot off before th' brain, some days.
Ari: All of the skirts I wore for events were too long for me.
Ari: I would have loved to wear a short skirt.
Ara: I dunno, I'd fight gettin' into a skirt like a wet cat.
Ari: They're more comfortable than the long skirts father made me wear.
Grif: "I'm... just... not gonna comment."
Ari hated those damn skirts.
SailorMercury: "No, it's okay," she says as she pulls herself up. "I agree with most of your opinions. But - I'm not a pricness. Not any more. And neither are the rest of the Senshi. It's just hard for all of us to break with that habit, sometimes ..." She trails off. She isn't as ready to break them of it as she used to be, either.
SailorMercury: *princess
Ari: Hey, it's difficult dropping down
Ari: I get it.
Ari smiles.
Ara: Aah.
Usagi shrugs a little. "If we're not princesses anymore, why does everyone keep treating me like I'm the most important one?"
Ari: They find it hard to disattach too.
Aino_Minako pats Usagi on the head. "Because you're still technically a princess. /The/ princess."
Ara snrks
SailorMercury shrugs. With a smile, she powers down, the coat dissolving into blue ribbons that slacken and wriggle towards a central point in front of her chest -
SailorMercury is now known as MizunoAmi
MizunoAmi: -and reveal her previous clothes beneath them, and the pen clutched in her hand once more.
Ara (fun factIf Ara's legs weren't as scarred as they are, she might -actually- consider a skirt on a rare occasion. But. Uh. She has issues.) "Man, that's gotta be convienent."
Ari: It would be nice.
Ari: To be able to switch clothes on a whim. My robe can get pretty dirty. :(
MizunoAmi smiles at Usagi. "Because you're *thePrincess, Usagi. You're going to save the universe someday, that's why."
Ari: But no pressure.
Aino_Minako: Again.
MizunoAmi: ... everyone pause for a moment and consider the person that comment is directed to.
Ara .... She's going to save the universe. And she's got a worse attention span thn -me-
MiniAmi applauds, carefully doing her best to wipe this conversation from her mind in a way that is completely recoverable later.
Ara: *than
MizunoAmi: If you don't feel a shiver run up your spine, you have no soul.
Ari has pretty pathetic people save the world, so...
Ara: ...I felt that shiver.
MizunoAmi: "It'll be okay, you'll see."
Grif: "Yeah, I've rigged up some stuff to be able to... relatively quickly be able to change in and out of my armor, but it still requires actually getting changed, so it's not nearly as convenient."
Ari: I actually have to remove my clothes. Apparently, it's because my world has no telekvisions (mispronounced) or lasers.
Usagi: ;-;
Ara shrugs, "I have to do it by hand, too. I can only call things that I have PINpoints attached to." Does a little 'ooooh' fingerwavy gesture, to indicate she does it with the cybernetics.
Usagi: Ami-chan is always so cruel..
Ari: Sometimes friends are.
MizunoAmi: ((... you do realize that the comments outside of quotations are not spoken, right.))
Ari ... so that ami-chan part.. wasn't? ouch, difference in style fails.
Ara: ((..No I didn't))
MizunoAmi: ((The bit about shivers and spines? NOT DIALOGUE. Thank god. If Ami were that much of a bitch I'd be playing her wrong.))
Ara: ((Then pretend Ara's wasn't dialog either))
MizunoAmi: ((I did! :_:))
Usagi: ((...Yeah. Um. Hups. Unless we're dealing with surprise!Nabu.))
Grif: "Yeah, I've got a PINpoint installed in an armor locker with some extra attachments to provide a privacy screen."
MizunoAmi: ((Is my fault for not clarifying, sry :( ))
Ara: ((s'ok, you did clarify ))
Ara: Real convienent to be able to call my bags of grenades and stuff when I need 'em.
Ari: That's a good thing about magic.
Ari: I don't need to call my grenades.
Ari flicks her fingers. Gold sparks shoot.
Ara: Yeah, you've got your boom for your buck built in.
MiniAmi has her own fancy PIN tech, but she'll save that discussion for another time.
Usagi: I have no good PIN tricks...
MizunoAmi can do lots of fancy stuff ... when she's transformed.
Ari: It's very convienient.
Ari: I see warriors carry around four swords.
Grif: "...Do they have four arms?"
Usagi: Also. Um. Ami. I wanted to, um. Askyouaquestionaboutmakotoandnothisisn'tmeaccusingherofbeingtotallypsychoticeventhoughhshe'sbeengettingscarier.
Ari: no.
Ara ..can use a sword.
Ari: They have three strapped to their back.
Ari: And have one in their hand.
Ara: ...Contingancies, or..?
Ari nods.
Ari: They have different purposes.
MiniAmi looks over at Usagi, then her alternate, curiously.
Ari: Some are used for defense. Some for attack.
Grif: "...Then again, having had to deal with a Rust Monster not too long ago, I can maybe understand."
Ara: Ah hah
MizunoAmi ... blinks.
MiniAmi: "I did as well, actually."
Aino_Minako: .................IagreewithUsagiwecameupwithaplanbutweneedhalp.
Ari: That's also a good thing about being a magic uses.
Ari: Very little to rust.
Grif: "That's what the plasma rifle's for, in my case."
Usagi: Maybe we should, um. All talk it over together?
Ari: Plasma?
MizunoAmi swallows and presses her lips into a line. And then, then she does a very odd thingShe PINs out. Just like that, with barely enough time for anyone to notice her reach for the PINpoint in the first place.
MizunoAmi is now known as decon|lurks
Ari blinks at Ami's sudden disappearance.
Ara blinks as well.
Grif: "Er."
Ara: ..Uh, okay..
Ari: Was it about the skirts?
MiniAmi stamps her foot. "She --"
Ara: I don't think so.
Aino_Minako 's eyes open wide, and she looks at Usagi. "I thought we agreed we wouldn't tell her!"
Usagi: I was going to ask about something else!
Grif: "I... think it had more to do with using the words 'Makoto' and 'psychotic' in the same sentence."
Aino_Minako motions to Grif. "What he said! Anyways, you brought it all up first."
Ari nods.
Usagi: I didn't think she'd /run/!
MiniAmi: "Out of curiosity, what were you going to ask her about?"
Usagi: Just... Makoto being all /Jupiter/. She's been drinking, I think. And still punching people.
Usagi: What about you?
Ari: That's always a terrible combination.
Ara has no comment on drunk Makoto.
Usagi: Yeah.
Grif: "Yeah, I saw she posted some message about having gotten trashed recently."
Aino_Minako facepalms. "All my planning down the drain, like that. I'd been working on getting us a tank or three."
Ari: Sorry.
Usagi: There's no reason to stop that plan!
Grif: "Wait. What kind of 'tank' are we talking about?"
Ara: ..A tank?
MiniAmi: "Makoto is really... she's... I worry... a tank."
Usagi: Um.
Ara: Okay, okay, go back. You mean a tank as in a heavy-hitter?
Usagi: We'd been thinking that... Minako, it's your plan. Tell them.
Grif is now uncertain, without additional context, whether she means an armored vehicle or a keg.
Ari thinks she might actually mean an armored vehicle.
Aino_Minako: Well...she's been getting antsy and violent lately, so I though--/we/ thought--that we could lure her into a place and then ambush her to make her think there was a ney enemy. She'd blow up a couple tanks we disguised with our pens and she's been all violenced out.
Aino_Minako: But, yes. A heavy hitter.
Ara: Oooh.
Grif: ...
Grif: ...
Grif: ...
MiniAmi: .....
Ari: Ah, like catharsis.
Grif maintains a boggled silence.
Usagi: ...So. Mini-Mercury. What was your question? :D?
Ari bets Gif is totally o_ under the helmet.
MiniAmi doesn't immediately reply. "That..."
Grif is!
Ara is a little boggled as well, but not offering herself up, as you'll note. She knows Makoto hits harder than -she- does, which in all honesty, is frigging saying something.
Ari has actually heard more ridiculous stories.
Aino_Minako: Yes! Like whatever that is.
Ari: Where would you be getting these tanks?
Grif: "Not it!"
Ari: Somehow, I imagine your weaponsmaster may not precisely understand.
Ara: -definately- not it.
Grif touches a finger to where his nose would be, if he wasn't wearing his helmet.
Usagi: Probably from the Japanese Self Defense force. Or maybe stealing them from the Americans. They have tanks in Okinawa, right?
Ara: Makoto hits harder than me, and I ain't got any way to defend against that.
Ari: We don't have, er, anything that big in my world, unless you want a Warrior in Warbringer armor.
MiniAmi: "Usagi."
MiniAmi: "Usagi."
Usagi: The point is to keep people from getting-hi?
Aino_Minako: Yeah, I have connections with the police.
Ari: Oh.
MiniAmi: "Please don't steal tanks from the Americans. If you're going to do this, which..."
Ari: It seems like, er, Americans might get upset.
Ari: Whatever they are.
Ara: ..Yeah, you don't wanna piss 'em off.
Aino_Minako: All I need to do is sneak into Ami-chan's room, press some buttons and the Americans wouldn't even know they were missing any tanks, though.
Grif: ...
Usagi: ...
MiniAmi: ...
Ari: ....
Ara: ...
Usagi: Maaaaybe I should handle that.
Ara: o_o
Ara: Uh.
MiniAmi: ...
Usagi has visions of exploding computers.
Ari: This all seems like it is going to end in catastrophe.
MiniAmi: "Did..."
Ari: Very, very large catastrophe.
Ari: Dark-portal-sized.
MiniAmi: "Plase don't touch anything in my room." Alternates schmalternates, the badness of this ideas transcends timelines.
Aino_Minako: Oh, please, Usagi-chan. I'm much better with computers. Who holds the current top score on the Sailor V game at Crown, huh? Yeah, I think it's me.
Ara: ...Uh. Yanno, if it's -that- much trouble, I've got a lot of junked up Sentinal tech I can't really use.
Usagi: You /are/ Sailor V.
Usagi: Artemis told me all about how it's just a training sim for you.
Aino_Minako: ...oh, did he? Then I guess we'll be seeing how much pepper he likes in his cat food. Heh heh heh.
MiniAmi: "...Please don't break into my room;"
Grif: "Wait. You got training? Like, not on-the-job, not find-someone-in-the-Nexus, actual training?"
Aino_Minako: Of course! And, Ami-chan, I wouldn't break into your room. I'm friends with your mother.
MiniAmi finds this awfully interesting. "Grif, you can't ask her that in front of me. I've ruined my timeline enough for one day."
Usagi: Well. Sailor V did. After she became Sailor V.
MiniAmi: "...Please... don't." ._.
Usagi: ...Huh?
MiniAmi is just a leeeettle bit bothered by the fact that right now, she really wants her Makoto here to hide behind.
Aino_Minako: She would just let me in.
Grif: "I'm just saying that if she got training, and none of the rest of you did, that's kinda..." s:shitty/s:s:ass/s:s:fucked up/s: "...weird."
Ara: Look, it's prolly a bad idea to use her computers without asking.
Usagi: We'll ask! ...later.
Ara: ...*facepalms with both hands*
Ari: ....
Ari mutters in Thalassian.
Usagi: She got found first, that's all. The rest of us didn't have time.
MiniAmi: "...It's the principle of the thing, Miss..."
MiniAmi: "Whoever you are."
Ara ?
Grif: "Mm. Well, this is apparently what happens when you have 'space cats' running the show, I guess."
MiniAmi never actually got Minako's name.
MiniAmi: "Luna really is trying her hardest, could everyone give her a break."
Usagi: Luna's great!
Aino_Minako just realised that this Ami doesn't know her. That's...weird. "I'm Aino Minako, the beautiful Soldier of Love and Justice, Sailor V!"
MiniAmi: "I'm sure my alternate would appreciate if you didn't use her things without consulting her."
MiniAmi: "To be honest, your plan could use a lot of improvement."
Ara: ...Ara, here.
Aino_Minako duhs herself. If they couldn't get /their' Ami's help, then this one would do just fine! "Oh, do go on!"
Usagi shrugs and poses next to Minako. Yeah, some folks she hasn't met. "Leading the way to a peaceful future with my Senshi at my side, I am Usagi Tsukino, the pretty suited Sailor of Love and Justice, Sailor Moon!"
Ara wants to facepalm -so bad- at that speech.
Ari: Ariekne.
Ari: .....
Grif 's hand twitches, but he keeps from facepalming as well.
MiniAmi stands briefly and bows. "Ami Mizuno." ...Fine. "By her side, destined to fight by no matter what the world, I am Sailor Mercury!"
Ara /doesn't/, but she wants to. -SO BADLY-.
Ari arches both eyebrows at her.
MiniAmi poses too.
Ari: Do your enemies actually let you give that speech before you attakc them?
Usagi: Yes.
MiniAmi sighs, pushing her glasses up. "We're going to need /time/ to come with a plan, though. How long do you think we have?"
Ari: ....
Aino_Minako: Well, yeah.
Ari: They must not be much.
MiniAmi: "Usually, yes."
Usagi: In the name of the Moon, we shall punish all evil!
Aino_Minako: Hm...time. Well, we have lots of time. The sooner the better, though.
Ari: Kaldorei?
Usagi: Eh?
Ari: .. Nothing.
MiniAmi: "Alright. I'm going to need to sleep on it, at the very least, but... it's going to be tricky doing this without my help."
Usagi: Your help, or the other Ami's help? Because I don't think she will.
Aino_Minako: We'll manage! As long as you give us very specific instructions. *Then when they fail, it won't be their fault.*
MiniAmi: "The other me. At least this way we have something of a chance, though."
Usagi: Maybe I should've slipped her name into that speed-dating thing...
Ara is in the speed dating thing, although she has -no idea-
Usagi is so in.
MiniAmi is not honestly sure doing that to her alternate would be a better idea than doing it to HER, Usagi, and that is really saying something.
Usagi was thinking of /you/. Her Ami has Makoto.
MiniAmi *Oh! ...WTF, Usagi, she's THIRTEEN*
Usagi would say that age has no limits on love. Just on physical love.
MiniAmi would... not have words anyway.
Aino_Minako would agree wholeheartedly. WHAT, THEY'RE SO NOT THE SAME CHARACTER.
MiniAmi ends up that way around Usagi.
MiniAmi: "She... how are she and my alternate doing, anyway? She's... that kissing booth."
Aino_Minako: ...KISSING BOOTH?!
Usagi: ...Kissing booth?
Ara: Hah.
MiniAmi: "...Didn't she mention that?"
Grif just gives in and facepalms now.
Usagi: No?
Ara: Yeah, it was for an orphanage.
Aino_Minako: She said nothing. That's...different.
MiniAmi: "It was for charity, but... she should have mentioned it."
Usagi: ...Pictures or it didn't happen./
Ara: ...She speaks in internet memes?
Grif: "Uh. I'd be inclined to say that the only one she 'should' have mentioned it to is Ami, which I suppose you don't know if she did or not?"
Aino_Minako: Ami-chan is even more tight-lipped than Mako-chan.
Usagi: We never heard a thing about it.
Usagi: You saw her a few minutes ago.
MiniAmi: "You don't believe me?"
MiniAmi: "No, Grif, she should have told her friends."
MiniAmi: "My alternate is the only one she needed to ask for /approval./"
Grif: "What, to see if they wanted to pitch in?"
Ari: Or to get it off her back?
MiniAmi: "Because... well, I suppose, yes."
Usagi glances at Minako. "Would you have bought a ticket?"
Aino_Minako blinks. "You're kidding. Of course not! We're all close, but that's--we're not /that/ close."
Usagi laughs.
MiniAmi: "I bought one." She starts at her own admission. "Just a kiss on the cheek. For charity."
MiniAmi: \
Usagi grins, catlike.
Ara: And so did I
Usagi: ...How many girls did Mako-chan kiss?
Grif says nothing, because he doesn't want to get into the whole thing about active camo-ing past the table.
Ara: No idea? I didn't stick around too long
Aino_Minako: I really hope she told Ami-chan.
MiniAmi: "So do I."
Usagi: Why would she do a kissing booth, though?
Ari was probably fighting for her life during this, so...
MiniAmi: "Charity"
Aino_Minako: What charity?
Usagi: Nonono. There's plenty of other things she could have done. Another bake sale?
Ara shrugs, has no idea.
Aino_Minako: It's true. She's the best cook evar.
MiniAmi: "Maybe she..."
Grif: "Shinomori Orphanage. Apparently needed rebuilding."
Usagi: Ooh, yeah. It caught fire th other day.
Ari: Oh, dear! :(
Grif: "Also, this is the Nexus. Given how bad an idea eating stuff there usually is, a bake sale's probably not a great idea."
MiniAmi: "I guess she wanted it done as quickly as possible"
Usagi: Well, it should have been fine as long as she just kissed.
Aino_Minako: Of course she just kissed. *The alternative. SQUICK.*
Usagi: ...I wasn't thinking about /that/! Augh.
MiniAmi: "...She must have. She..."
Usagi: ...?
Grif: "She also got help, eventually. Someone else who took up some of the kissing duties."
Grif finger-quotes when saying 'duties'.
Ari giggles.
Ara snrks a bit at the fingerquoting
MiniAmi: "...I suppose that's better."
Aino_Minako: Yeah...
Usagi: No, go back to what you were saying before. She must have what?
MiniAmi: "I -- nothing."
Usagi: ...Ami-chan.
Ari wanders back inside.
Ari is now known as Ariekne
MiniAmi: "...Usagi-chan?"
Usagi crosses her arms. "This could be important." ...Because she must know everything.
MiniAmi: "...Idon'tevenknowwhatIwasgoingtosay!"
Usagi: ...Are you feeling okay?
DeliaHarbor is now known as Hats
Aino_Minako staaaaaares at Ami.
MiniAmi: "...No. Can I have a hug?"
Usagi ...can Mizuno Ami withstand two truth-stares? But a hug will be forthcoming!
Ara shifts her sitting position a little
MiniAmi can TRY. The hug helps.
Usagi squeezes her. "Feeling better?"
MiniAmi: "A little, yes. I... appreciate it." She blushes a little. "If you're here tomorrow, I'll try explaining better."
Usagi: If you want, just whisper in my ear. I've, uh. Got an event planned tomorrow. Maybe. I need to check on it.
Aino_Minako does too! But she knows she will extract it from Usagi eventually.
Usagi plans on spilling the beans instantly after Ami leaves, anyway.
MiniAmi whispers to Usagi briefly.
Usagi nods and whispers back.
MiniAmi: "I can't bring myself to say it, Usagi. I... she scares me, but I still trust her."
Usagi: "It's fine. She's a very scary person before you get to know her, but these days we're all more scared /for/ her."
MiniAmi: "Mine's a little scary to new people herself..." Not to Ami. Makoto is her ferocious teddy bear death glaring shield. "But she and my alternate are so close..."
Usagi: "Have you ever had them talk to each other?"
MiniAmi nods slowly.
Usagi: "They were different, right?"
MiniAmi: "...Different?"
Usagi: "Not the same person." She shrugs. "I mean, how did yours feel after meeting mine? Or was it just a name exchange?"
MiniAmi: "Mostly a matter of breaking mine into the Nexus. She still doesn't quite trust this place, to be honest..."
Usagi: "Then try to slip Makoto into your world. Just, uh. Be careful if there are any youma around."
MiniAmi tilts her head at Usagi. "You..."
Usagi smiles. "I'm Tsukino Usagi. That's all."
MiniAmi: "I suppose it's worth a shot."
Ara wingflicks
Aino_Minako is having trouble bottling her excitement. She's over here, sputtering.
Usagi holds up a hand to calm Minako. I got this. Whisperwhisper.
Usagi beams suddenly, clapping a hand to Ami's back. "Then go for it!
Aino_Minako blinks.
Ara: o.O
MiniAmi: "I didn't actually..." Ami sighs.
Grif tilts his head.
MiniAmi: "Whatever you say, Usagi."
Usagi grins and nods. "It'll be fine. Trust me."
MiniAmi hugs her again! "I'll see you again soon."
Usagi squishes her right back. "See ya later, Mini-Mercury-chan!"
Grif: "Later, Ami."
Ara: Seeya. o.o
MiniAmi makes her exit!
Usagi lets a long breath out as she leaves.
Aino_Minako says farewell to Ami. "Well?"
Grif: "So."
Usagi: ...She's afraid of Mako-chan, and worried that her world's version of her will end up the same way.
Usagi: That's about it.
Grif nods, slowly. "Ahhhhhh."
Aino_Minako: As long as we're all with her, it won't.
Aino_Minako: ...are we all with her?
Usagi: I'm with her, even if she doesn't want me.
Aino_Minako: That's crazy talk, Usagi-chan. Of course she wants you.
Ara: Oooh
Usagi: That's good!