Well, I made it through Hell Week. Last week was worse than 6 out of the 7 finals weeks I've had in my college career so far...and it's pretty close between last week and the seventh. But, before a recap of that, you may have noticed I changed my user pic. That's because I have some big news....
I GOT A JOB!!!! It's at Thomson West, the place I had 7 interviews at last month. Okay, so it's not a full time job, but it's an internship for this summer. But I've heard they look to their past intern pool when they have full-time positions open before anyone from the outside. And it sounds like there's a pretty good chance that this could turn into a full-time opportunity once I finish. Apparantly I was supposed to get the offer two weeks ago, but it must have gotten lost in the mail...I heard that the guy at my school who interviewed the same day as me got an offer, and was curious that I had not heard back yet, so I contacted the HR person and she said I did get an offer. So tomorrow I'm going to send in my acceptance. So, what follows from this is...I can move out of the house after graduation! I'm getting paid pretty well, plus I have a good amount in savings, so I think it's safe to commit to an apartment lease. I plan on giving Sue a call this week and letting her know, and seeing if she still wants to move out this summer. I've already done some browsing for apartments, but nothing solid yet.
Hell Week went so-so. Here are some of the highlights:
- I bombed the test I thought I would do well on.
- I did well on the test I thought I would bomb.
- I think my paper turned out pretty well. What really saved me was that we didn't need to use any secondary sources...
- One of my psychology major roommates diagnosed me with avoidant disorder when I confessed to her my addiction with playing a game (or two, or ten) of FreeCell when I was trying to avoid homework.
- I think I did well on both of my software projects.
- I came close to snapping at all sorts of people during the week, as a result of my stress. Including at my job interview on Friday (NOT good)...I just wanted to yell, "I've had a stressfull week, STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS!"
- I also feel like I bombed my job interview Friday. But that's OK, becuase I really wasn't all that impressed with the the kind of work/company culture, even though it would be full time/permanent.
I am rewarding myself by leaving tomorrow morning for a two-day vacation, ALL BY MYSELF. No offense to people, but they're starting to annoy me, and being the introvert I am I need to get away for a little while to recharge. This should be a good amount of time, I could see myself getting lonely if I was away for much longer. I was planning on going skiing with Anne this week after we both get back from our vacations, but looking at the temperature forecast, that's not looking like it's gonna happen....