Summary: Lady Ursa, once a calm and noble young princess, committed terrible treason that left her exiled and alone. Armed with firebending skills evident from early childhood, an outdated scroll on chi-blocking and a ‘tree branch’ of a bo-staff, Ursa disguises herself as a peasant maiden and makes to flee her country through all of the upheaval the war has created.
Two years later, after gaining a mastery of dual swords, Ursa boards a ship leaving the Fire Nation to travel to Gaoling with her eccentric old shaman trainer Bai Qi to live amongst the townsfolk under his care while she feigns her identity under the false name ‘Meilin’.
A few days after her departure from the Fire Nation… Far away from her homeland and, for that matter, Gaoling, Bai Qi and perhaps the rest of global civilisation; Ursa must now learn to become accustomed to the hardships of the real world outside her homeland while owing a life debt, in the form of companionship, to a resolute but rambunctious male prostitute; as well as deal with some of the dire hardships of her childhood in the form of a legendary 100-year-old traitor and firebending master.
Published: 28th August 2008
Rating: M (To be really super safe lol)
Genres: Action/Adventure/Drama/Humour
Language: English
Inspirations/Credits: (Will be given accordingly)