Dec 13, 2004 19:51
well maybe i wasnt. I'll find out soon enough. but im still not gettin farther on any of my goals. What am i doin then? i dont understand where my time is goin. Certainly not towards anything productive. I gotta find a way to do somethin or change something or affect someone. it'll start tomorrow!
Dec 12, 2004 16:35
yeah so i was imagining it. great.
Dec 12, 2004 15:40
its gettin there
some things are done, some im workin on, some are just possibilities
i can see so much more than before and it isnt a good thing. can anyone tell me if im just imagining things? could be. on a lighter note, christmas is coming! got a few more ideas and a few more gifts. but i still need some new music!
Dec 11, 2004 10:03
oceans 12=trash! noone see it!
though last nite i felt good for some reason. coulda been that preview for CONSTANTINE!
christmas is comin all! let me know what ya want!-provided its REASONABLY PRICED
Dec 10, 2004 17:56
oceans twelve tonite! hopefully it'll be as good as the original. Christmas is comin and the wallet is lookin far too thin...I NEED MONEY!
Dec 07, 2004 20:06
CURSES! hahha thats what i get for being so cripplingly STUPID and freaky! but on the plus side of today, the bball went well!
Dec 05, 2004 17:13
do any of you even know a thing about me??!?!
Dec 05, 2004 07:40
im workin so many hours! THATS TRASH
Dec 02, 2004 16:36
seems like everyone is going away.
Dec 01, 2004 18:26
its seemingly uncontrollable
I'm too quick, too sharp, and I cant find out which lines not to cross and who to back off of.
I'm poison to those close to me.
And i don't take any of it back.