This is more for my use than yours, but hey, I'm not going to stop you...
Things I Need
luggage - duffel & rolling
backpack - goodly sized
shoes - black closed toe heels, dark every-day, something for dancing?
Things I'll Need in the Future
a hair cut & dye job - whole head blue, who knows!
polarized sunglasses for driving
a phone holster - for the Motorolla V557, i think
jeans or other blue pants
TI-89 - blue?
Things I Want
paid LJ account - they come w/free user-pics this month!
DS games - Animal Crossing, FF III, Children of Mana, Brain Age?
a new black purse - not girly, decent sized
head phones?
Stuff that's Always a Good Idea
blue things!
games - Steve Jackson, CheapAss
fun toy gadgets