Title: Undisguised
blueheronzPairing: House and Cameron
Rating: Mature for sexual content
Category: Romance. Smut. Halloween fic. Prompt fic based on the word, "cross."
0penhearts and
athousandsmilesDedication: For
vicodin_martini with thanks
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Comments 35
Thanks so much!
The additions are beautiful, and the sex is both hot and romantic.
This part...
“Everyone else, maybe, but you? I always thought you’d come for me. Thought you’d see through me. Thought you’d know that I never mean what I say.”
is heartbreaking. But you fix it all in the end. Lovely lovely work, Reka.
Thanks, Kelly. And thanks for reading it in advance and listening to my thoughts about it.
So I emailed you this week and our joint email account is still semi-spammed, the result being that the email and several others I tried to send are stuck in my outbox. I'll send it to you using gmail this weekend. Grrr.
Love that icon, m'dear.
Oh, so true, darling :)
Can't wait to work on something with you again! :)
Thank you. Can't wait to work with you again! We have to write something together soon ...
Feedback from an amp and the squeal of a guitar were followed by an impromptu rendition of the theme song from Scooby Doo.
He was the dish on the menu she always had to order.
Her hunger is such a pulsing thing. It's a perfect catalyst to make her do this.
"I'm waiting," he said when she continued to ignore his need for talk. To prove it, his finger remained still, pressed against her clit, the lightest promise of more seeping from its warmth. She felt herself open up and spread her legs wider for him. "You shouldn't have. Waited. For me, for this."
The torture they put each other through is like a vibrating string being tightened oh-so-slowly.
SO wonderful.
Thanks for reading and for your always insightful comments.
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