Title: “Now Is the Chance for the Flowers”
Category: Slash
Rating: NC-17.
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 6500
Summary: Angst and psychic sex, in that order. Set in an off-canon Season Two.
Further A/N: This is the fifth story in my “The Woods Are Lonely” ’verse. If you’re feeling porny but haven’t read the other stories, fear not: a
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Comments 14
I am so worried for the both of them because I don't think Sam can keep going through this, which means Dean can't, either.
But again with the ending: and this, this was real - it just shows all over again how Dean is Sam's anchor. If there's a way out, it'll be together.
it just shows all over again how Dean is Sam's anchor.
Yes. I'm glad Sam is grown up and all now, but there was something so endearing about the boys' relationship in the first couple seasons, when they were still firmly in the big brother/little brother dynamic.
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Yeah, the way they were is totally different now. But I have to say I miss it.
I went back and read the first part that you posted, expecting it to be Wincest, but seeing it Gen. It still read with this loving clarity and I want to be brave and read the rest (for all the time I've spend in SPN fandom, I've never read Gen), but I'm not sure I'll be able to without more of this. -grin-
I found this verse last night and read until I couldn't focus on the screen anymore. Had the strangest dreams. Woke up to finish it before work and thought about it the whole time.
Simply beautiful. I hope to see more in this verse. Definitely.
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