While at my job a very bad thing happened. Two 12 year old girls came up to my Wireless connection center and started to take the phones, pull them back and let them go so they risked breaking.. blah blah.. mischievious.. so I mentioned they reminded me of my sister. I went to the service desk.. they ended up nearby and I jested they had been
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Tonight I got in touch with Jennifer. I swear I had tried to plan out what I was going to say, consiously and what wording I would use.. it helped, really.. but I forgot most of it when I actually heard her on the other side of the line for the first time in.. what.. 3 years? I walked arround the corner and my heart was racing as if to say.. "Hey,
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This morning I woke up pretty happy. In 54 minutes I'll get ready for work.
I am playing DDR when I wake up and before I go to sleep for an extra workout.. I am feeling healthier in general. I am worried about the fact that I am listening to Dueling Banjos tho.
I'm getting rolling on Maus Augen again. I need 1 writer. Stand up for me please and introduce yourself.. We're doing a round robin story telling. There is me, And Joshua, and we need 1 writer to play 1 first person role for us. Nothing serious, but we would love to have you. Really.
My brother did something right and got me a DDR(TM) game and controller for the PlayStation(TM). I overdid it on my first try.. But I am happy overall with it.
Thats right, I went square dancing tonight. All night I felt Irritable because my neck was hurting while I was trying to pull it all off. It just seemed to take the energy right out of me.
I now work at Wal-Mart in the Wireless section selling phones at 7.40 an hour. Maybe I can sign a contract with suppliers in japan and have some better phones shipped over.
Yesterday I had an interesting time down at the A.R.C. Armory(As it's called. :p ). Basicly, all the tons of people we took off the planes and happified were now going through processing, getting homes, food, dance lessons, ect
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