Title: The Unofficial Lima Welcome Wagon
Pairing: Puck/Finn/Sam, established Puck/Finn
Rating: R
Word Count: ~4800
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: When Puck and Finn take Sam to a bar to welcome him to Lima, their welcoming committee ends up a bit more hands on than expected.
A/N: Written for
becca_radcgg from a prompt she left me for the one sentence meme.
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Comments 31
Everything. Everything tho.
Puck & Finn's slip-up. Sam's backstory that is so vague yet managed to punch me in the heart. FINN LOVING PUCK BUT NOT SAYING IT.
So hot & beautiful, bb. I don't know how you do it. I really don't. ♥
Thank you so much! I'm really pleased you liked it. I'm glad Sam's ubervague backstory worked for you! And I like to think one day Finn and Puck will slip-up and blurt out their feelings for each other (or maybe Sam will help them to that realisation, who knows?).
So very glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for your lovely comment!
I just need a shower.
(dirty fic is dirty fic <3)
brb reading.
brb shower. ♥
Also, your icon is adorable!
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In my head Finn and Puck are so wonderfully oblivious to each others feelings. I'm glad you liked that part of the fic!
Thank you so much for reading!
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I've suddenly found myself OT3ing these boys something crazy and I don't know where it came from. And MFY they continue the threesome for a very, very long time!
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