Okay, now that that's off my chest. Random thoughts, in no particular order:
-Up until THIS episode, I was so completely uninterested in the Jacob subplot. Had absolutely no interest at all, boring, yawn. And then it opened with (I'm assuming) the Black Rock arriving and Jacob's frenemy dude and all of a sudden things were interesting. And then he showed up in everyone's lives somehow. And with the way Ben talked toward the end about following orders blindly and wanting to meet Jacob but being told to wait and essentially losing faith...I've decided Jacob is kind of the God of the island. And you know what, this is Lost, so I don't think such a theory is really all too out there. So Jacob is God and the guy from the beginning is Satan, who is now in a John Locke suit. Satan has appeared to people in different forms throughout their time on the island. He was disguised as Christian when Locke fell down the well. Come to think of it, he may or may not have been Christian as Jack was seeing in season 1. Anyway, he was Alex when Ben went into the temple to be judged, which is why "Alex" told him to obey "John Locke's" every whim. Notice how Locke was nowhere to be found while Ben saw Alex. And when Alex disappeared, Locke showed up. So the Satan figure found his loophole by exploiting Ben's guilt and his disenchantment with Jacob. Up until the last minute I found myself oddly on Ben's side. I kept thinking, "When the hell did I start liking Benjamin Linus?"
-Jack was annoying as usual. I giggled like a six year old when Sawyer kicked him in the balls. I love Sawyer.
-OMG ROSE AND BERNARD AND VINCENT! You know what, if I were stuck on a crazy island in 1974, I think I'd just set up camp by the beach and retire with my beloved. Rose and Bernard are so awesome. They cut out a nice little life for themselves, taking care of Vincent and everything. Bernard's hair and beard amused me. Rose's comment about being 30 years in the past and still wanting "to shoot each other" cracked me up. Oh Rose, you're so wise. I love those two.
-Sayid made me sad. Seeing Nadia die, Jacob kinda being the cause of it...that's where I sorta fell off the Jacob bandwagon. I mean, in keeping with the "God" theory, it was obviously something that needed to happen to get Sayid back to the island...but still...why did Sayid need to be back on the island? To rig the bomb? I don't know. All the time travel stuff confuses me, even though I love it.
-What pisses me off about Jack wanting to "fix" everything is that so many people's lives changed for the better because of the island. Kate, as much as I don't like her, isn't in jail on the island and that is exactly what would happen to her if it works. Sun and Jin worked out their marital problems and HAD A MIRACLE BABY. (I still refuse to hear any theories about that baby being the bald guy's.) Rose was cured of freaking cancer. Locke was un-paralyzed. Claire had Aaron and wanted to keep him. (Though in all fairness maybe now the psychic's thing about "this child must be raised by you" will come back into play.) Desmond finally reunited with Penny. I don't know that that would have happened if he had been in the hatch indefinitely. Sawyer became less of a jackhole, got his revenge and fell in love with Juliet. If Jack changes it, Juliet will still be one of The Others, trapped on the island because Ben won't let her go back to her sister. I know it sounds weird, but I really just want everyone to get back to the right time and live at the beach camp and let that be that.
I suppose that's all for now. I thought it was a really great episode. The cliffhanger was excruciating but soooo good, and so Lost. I can't wait for January to roll around. Final season. I'll be sad to see it end but think of all the answers there will be next season. Ah...damn I love this show. I'm so glad I stuck it out. Season three was kinda lame, and even last season was kinda lame, but this season really got the old Lost spark back and it's been exciting and confusing and crazy and everything I love about Lost. So...much to ponder and theorize about. And we've got eight months to do so. Good times.