If you aren't already, definitely make sure you are listed in both the Google and Yahoo local listings. Generally they are free, but you have to actually go and register your business, I don't think it's quite the same as just turning up in a Google search. If you register with them, and someone goes to Google and types in Voice lessons in Fair Lawn, NJ, you will turn up. It's probably how I get 75% of my business.
Comments 4
Glad you went to get yourself checked out! I'm sure it's just nothing, but always best to be sure. =)
I like Dana's idea on boosting business. I don't know of any other ideas - but if I think of something I'll let you know.
Alright...I guess I'll update too =)
yeah, it ended up fine, thank god.
Hurray!! Harley update! ^_^
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