Beginning of the new year: the right time to have a look at what I read during 2011, here is the list in the order I read them and some comments at the end:
Great list! I loved Mister Pip, but didn't like One Day much, LOL! I know someone who does book reviews who loved both of them - always so interesting to read different opinions. :-) I liked the writing in One Day, but I didn't like the characters much. My book club had mixed reviews of that one as well.
Thank you! I really liked Mister Pip too, especially the first part and I thought it was beutifully written. I found the ending a bit elusive so this is perhaps the reason why I did not feel like including it right at the top. But I agree with you, it's good to have different opinions and see how different people draw different things out of books. I think that one of the reasons why I liked One Day so much is that it rang really true to me, I was living in London at that time and I kind of recognised the types David Nicholls speak about so I think there's a bit of nostalgia for when I was young :-)
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