Totally nabbed from Cap :D
01. Full name - Rahal von Rothberger
02. Best friend - Roog
03. Sexuality - probably gay (though he hasn't exactly announced it or anything, maybe partly closeted)
04. Favorite color - Blue (duh)
05. Relationship status - available
06. Ideal mate - Roog Someone strong and dependable, preferable with a sense of humor and who can get along with Flail
07. Turn-ons - his partner being slightly domineering, being nipped, and having his hair pulled/played with
08. Last sexual experience - going to check up on the Palace Dragon Calvary, he and Roog... well, you know, in the barn, in the hay. It was fun.
09. Favorite food - fish with a squeeze of lemon and dashed over with pepper and sauteed in Kanakan wine
10. Crushes - Roog, possibly Jeremy, and he's starting to like Clive (it's a debate it they're actually crushes, or him trying to fill the Roog gap)
11. Favorite music - flute pieces
12. Biggest fear - loosing Flail or something happing to Roog, Miakis, or Rania
13. Biggest fantasy - either doing it in his office at Sauronix Castle or inside a closet in a rather public area
14. Quirks in bed - He likes to cuddle after sex, and is actually prone to teasing via nipping, and blushes during sex/love-making
15. Bad habits - he can tend not to take criticism well, is almost obsessive compulsive about a room's organization
16. Biggest regret - Never telling Roog how he really felt about him
17. Best kept secrets - That he's in love with Roog and doesn't want the Commandership
18. Last thought - If the water is warm enough to go swim in
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience - a young lady trying to woe him and making a fuss over dinner in front of her parents
20. Biggest insecurity - That he's not open enough or sensitive enough to make a good lover