I checked the Delphi-house-board again and the moderators made a shout out that this so called mole is not the real mole. He was just using his name.According to the mods only the first message is a post from the real mole (The A on my list), The rest comes out from the Imposters mind/fantasy and is not true. (BTW: Funny thing is,they got a hint from another mole *facepalm* How many moles have they?)
So breath in and breath out, everything is okay, The whole anger was for nothing. AND I`M SORRY , when i infected you, too and you were frustrated. Please don`t get at mad at me. In the future i will take every so-called-mole post from this board with a huge grain of salt. :) And again SORRY.
So what now, we are back to know nothing about the next episodes and i can still hope that in the next season we won`t get a Huddy-reunion, shocking huddy pregnancy or whatever huddy drama.
But here is some real Scoop not really spoilery but:
A:) Spoiler Chat via @
eonline Kitty: Is it true this is Lisa Edelstein's last season on House?!
Don't panic! A source close to the situation confirms that no one in the cast is signed for next season yet, because the studio and the network still need to work out the deal for there to be a next season. Once that's all sorted out, then there will actually be money to pay actors, and then we'll know something for sure either way.
B.) Aussielo: House Mystery: What Did Thirteen Do?! via @TVLineNews
I`m looking forward to the next House episode. It may be interesting and probabely we`ll learn something new about House. The press release promise that House and 13 "compete against House’s much younger, overconfident rival, and along the journey uncover secrets and truths about each other." Hopefully this much younger rival is not Lucas,..allthough *grins