
Oct 19, 2004 23:38

Let KC out last night for his last pee before I went to bed. I heard him doing an awful lot of barking and by the time I got to the porch door I could smell skunk. He was soaked! KC spent the night in the bathroom and I had to go to sleep with the stink in my nostrils ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

prince October 19 2004, 23:44:33 UTC
geez. i can smell skunk now after reading your entry... hehe.


starrthinks October 21 2004, 22:26:39 UTC
Surfing around on blogs tonight ran across yours...

A skunk? Ugh, that must be awful! Good luck getting the smell out!


bluem00n October 22 2004, 14:04:33 UTC
Nice to have a stranger drop in on my journal. I'm pretty boring. ;-}

Smell all gone!!


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