The Blogity, blogity blog affair

Aug 01, 2009 15:54


The Serenaar and Assorted Meanies with assorted drinkies and snacks movie watching sleepover has now started! If anyone would like to join us, you will need:
- Some Like it Hot
- Robin Hood ( the errol flynn version)
- The Magnificent Seven
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show

- Blossum Hill ( red- chilled)- from San Fransico
- Jacobs Creek ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

serenaar August 1 2009, 16:02:38 UTC
YAY to movie marathon madness!!! I have broken into the gallon of diet coke and changed into my joggies. Now in full comfort slob mode :-)

Just about to start watching Robin Hood. Wheeee!


bluemeanybeany August 1 2009, 16:17:10 UTC
We've started on Robin Hood now... swashbuckle, swashbuckle...etc...


elijahwildchild August 1 2009, 16:44:55 UTC
With you in spirit. *sighs* One of my all time favourite films. In case you're interested, I have a rare original book of the film from 1938 which has amazing colour plates of Flynn, de Havilland et al with at least one incidence of NTITTA...

BTW does your DVD have the ubelieveably bizarre extra of Rathbone wearing the different hats?



bluemeanybeany August 1 2009, 17:53:39 UTC
er... in true Robin Hood style, we've robbed it from the rich... and its not actually on a DVD...

ooo 1 film down, three to go, we're ordering pizza now....


bluemeanybeany August 1 2009, 19:05:20 UTC
We've munched through the pizza now and are on The Magnificent Seven!

Robert Vaughn, yay!

... assorted Clutterpod members have now started explaining their El Illya theory... it's going to be a long,long night...


serenaar August 1 2009, 21:12:50 UTC
I have to say I enjoyed Robin Hood, Errol Flynn looks a lot like somebody I went to university with.

And Magnificent Seven was also good! :-) Robert Vaughn wins the prize for the coolest outfit and it was a clear victory for Yul Brynner in the general "cool" stakes, Steve McQueen lost out because he was trying too hard *g*


frau_flora August 2 2009, 00:26:27 UTC
I wish I could join you! *sniff*

I want to watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show right now! With Napoleon as Frank'n'Furter and Illya as Rocky. No, actually I think he'd make a great Riff Raff!

Keep having fun!

It's astounding, time is fleeting, madness takes its toll...


bluemeanybeany August 2 2009, 20:50:58 UTC
we made Illya Rocky so he has to wear the golden hotpants :)


bluemeanybeany August 2 2009, 11:48:25 UTC
We have resurfaced. We've had breakfast and are now watching slash videos. I like Sundays.


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