Already went for a walk by the lake with my boys (Grant and Jake) and wehad to tie Jake up with an ethernet cable b/c he broke his leash
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I'm playing with Jake, and he turns so I can rub his belly, and there is WHITE STUFF coming out of his poor little pee-pee. (I'm slightly intoxicated, I swear I won't talk like that in front of your children) I'm really scared, b/c I didn't think he could fuck, but I'm almost certain one of the neighborhood hussies has given him something. (
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Wild, zany, and even a little crazy. You make every date an unpredictable adventure. You want a guy who will constantly surprise you. A relationship that's the most insane ride of your life.
Jesus. Calm down, kids, quit being so dramatic. Quit talking amongst yourselves...maybe pay attention to what you're talking about IN school rather than what goes on in a place you're not even part of anymore
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