I was just going past the playhouse today and saw that Les Miserable was showing until the 15th May. It is quite expensive (like £40/ticket) but I have always wanted to see it, and that's cheaper than going down to London to see it
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I am somewhat disappointed in kate, as sadly she does not seem to have learned from her telling off last time not to just randomly announce sensitive news in front of the group, and to phrase it in a sensitive way
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I'm full of codeine. The doctor gave it to me. It is not helping the vibrating brain. At some point very soon I am going to have to go back and whine some more (the doctor said to if it didn't help, which it's not). I don't want to go, I don't like going to the doctor.
Must not stab people in the face. I would go to prison for that, and then I would get bum raped with the soap, and that wouldn't be nice. Still... stabby stabby stabby.
Just to add WHY CAN I STOP HEARING THINGS! I keep hearing my phone ringing when its not. If I can see it the ringing stops, but if i can't then I can hear it again. And I can smell things that arn't there. Apparently I am going totally mad.