...so don't punish me. There are worse books in the world to spend your hate on.
I finished Deathly Hallows this afternoon, and was very satisfied with the way it ended. I was afraid that I would be wanting another story in the future, but the way the end was constructed, I didn't have that problem. Its perfect. Actually, I'm still a little bit confused about some of the more technical bits, but I think I've been able to figure them out for the most part. I'll have to discuss the story with some other people sometime soon.
Next Sunday, I leave for my orientation session at UC Davis. I'm really excited, not just because I'll be in the city again, but because I'll also get to figure out my courses too. I should be gone until...Tuesday, I think. Don't hate me for not knowing the precise date. Then later in that week, I'll likely be camping with my dad in Seqouia/Kings Canyon National Park. We'll be doing it with a tent: old-fashioned style.
Argh, I can't believe its nearly August. What's gonna be especially irksome is that many of my friends will start college in late August, while I begin college a whole month later (Septembe 17th. The actual term doesn't start until a week later, but I'll need to be there for band retreat). No one has to agree with me, but I think school in August is just wrong.