Title: The Bestest Friends Ever
Rating: G/ PG
Genre: humor, angst, comedy
Pairing: YunJae, ??
Summary: After 4 years of nothing Jaejoong decides to see if the old DBSK chatroom still works.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything besides the plot.
A/N: Happy reading ~~~
- UrAllPeasants has logged in into 'The Bestest Friends Ever'-
UrallPeasants: Can't believe I am doing this... ugh.
UrAllPeasants: I hope someone comes online soon. I don't even really have time for this.
UrAllPeasants: I should be on my way to the airport ! Damn it !
- KingKamo has logged in into 'The Bestest Friends Ever'-
KingKamo: How did you get my number?
UrAllPeasants: Well hello to you,too Hyung. I just asked some of the soccer crazy hoobaes. No big deal
UrAllPeasants: But more importantly I have to talk to you...
KingKamo: Why? What do you want to talk about Minnie?
UrAllPeasants: ...you think it's possible to let Jae-hyung and Yunho-hyung meet up? Or at least chat here?
KingKamo: I could ask Hyung that's no problem but he is in Japan right now and yeah...why do you even ask? Is something going on?
UrAllPeasants: You don't have a clue. Ever since Yunho-hyung chatted with you and Yoochun he is more depressed than normally. I'm not sure if he will stop sulking when he talks to Jae but I think that I should at least try, right?
KingKamo: Yeah, sure. I will help.
KingKamo: …
KingKamo: Yunho-hyung has depressions?
UrAllPeasants: you don't have a clue. He is always depressed off camera and on camera he is like a little kid. It's irritating sometimes...
KingKamo: oh.. I didn't know that..
KingKamo: Sorry Min-ah..
UrAllPeasants: it's alright hyung. Just get Jae-hyung to come online tomorrow. Let's say between 11 pm and 1 am?
UrAllPeasants: that should be alright, right? I don't think that he will be busy around that time...
KingKamo: not busy. But maybe drinking.. I just hope that he won't talk with him while being drunk...
UrAllPeasants: He is drinking quite a lot, huh?
UrAllPeasants: I have heard about it and seen a few pictures...
KingKamo: You are keeping tabs on us?
UrAllPeasants: not really. I just happen to hear and see such things.
UrAllPeasants: btw. Your two albums were really good. Congrats for that and to your musicals. You came quite far despite being not able t promote... Sorry for that...
KingKamo: yeah you just HAPPEN to know about my albums and such. Sure Minnie-ah. And thank you it means a lot to me :)
KingKamo: I could send you a signed album if you want to? They have quite a big value~
UrAllPeasants: Sure~ and when someone asks me I will just say it was a fans gift.
UrAllPeasants: are you dumb? You really didn't change now did you?
KingKamo: psh. You didn't change either. You are still as mean to me...
UrAllPeasants: well what can I say? It's fun to joke around with you..
UrAllPeasants: I wish Yoochunnie-hyung would also be here... didn't talk to him yet...
KingKamo: maybe he will come online later? He is most probably playing golf right now
KingKamo: or is shooting something. Dunno~
UrAllPeasants: you are kidding right? What is he? 60 years old?!
KingKamo: hahaha I know right? I even call him ahjusshi because of his new hobby haha
UrAllPeasants: Su-hyung.. Ahjusshi is too weak ! You should call him gramps or smth like that ! Haha
UrAllPeasants: Shit I have to go. The manager is calling.
UrAllPeasants: Gotta go. Don't forget to tell Jae to come onlie tomorrow okay?
UrAllPeasants: See you !
- UrAllPeasants has logged out of 'The Bestest Friends Ever'-
KingKamo: wow. That was fast.
KingKamo: Gramps does sound better...... gotta use that one instead ~ hehe
KingKamo: I should go too and call Jae hyung~ I hope it will work out!
KingKamo: Duckbutt out !
- KingKamo has logged out of 'The Bestest Friends Ever'
A/N: Hope you enjoyed~
Comments are loved btw :3
aaaand sorry for any typing errors and or grammar mistakes :D this was written yesterday around midnight lol