ok so this pokemon thing.

Jul 19, 2016 14:42

Okay so. I did this thing and downloaded Pokemon Go on a whim, and I've rapidly become addicted. The height of it, I think, was when Buddy and I walked from our house to our local Mud Bay--and back. Note that it's not actually that far--we walked under three miles round trip, and I think it was about two and a quarter--but there is one hell of a steep hill involved.

It wasn't entirely due to Pokemon Go, but it started that way, because there are two PokeStops on my street before it hits the main thoroughfare. We walked to the farther one, and then I saw a way to walk down the side streets and come out by a gym (go Mystic) partway down the hill. I actually hadn't thought that side street led anywhere, so Buddy and I went exploring, and found that while you can't drive through, you can actually walk down and come out halfway down the massive hill. (There's a gate involved.)

So we did, but sadly the gym was on the other side of the street and we were nowhere near a crosswalk, and I was not about to walk up the hill, cross the street, walk down it and walk back up. And Buddy was happy and wanted to keep going, so I was like "Well, okay, let's go to the bottom of the hill". We got to the bottom of the hill, and the strip mall with the Mud Bay in it is a couple more blocks forward, so I figured we'd already come this far and we went to Mud Bay--which, noted, is at the absolute far end.

He got a drink and a few treats and I wish I could have bought something but I had not planned on this walk and didn't have my wallet on me. I took a picture of Buddy in the store and texted it to the husband with the caption "we walked here". He was impressed.

We walked home, and we were both panting pretty hard by the time we got there. I never did make it to the gym, but I hit the PokeStops on the way home. (I didn't even really want to fight anyone because I knew I wouldn't have time with Buddy, but I wanted to see if I could get a Pokemon hanging around.)

So that was our adventure, and I think we'll do it again but next time I'm bringing a water bottle and my wallet.

Meanwhile, more on Pokemon Go--I've been limited in how much I can go hunting this week because sanders is still here and she is my priority for spending time with. She leaves tomorrow (sadface) but as she has reminded me, I will have time to go hunting. This is good because Morgan has gone out actively hunting with Ketina and Ronelyn twice now and damnit I want to play too.

Speaking of Morgan, I told him to download it so we could go out hunting together and he did and now he's more addicted than I am. I'm still higher level than he is, and I've been evolving my Pokemon which he hasn't, but he's gone out hunting more than I have. He even went out for a non-Buddy walk over the weekend to go hunting, which I think is awesome.

So maybe after I drop sanders at the airport I'll go out hunting. Buddy is actively enjoying going for walks with the dog walker again (thank whatever you believe in because we were really worried) and will get a nice long walk tomorrow morning, so he'll be fine, and I could use the exercise. One of the things I've learned while on this leave is that much as I loathe it, exercise makes me feel better. I was dripping by the time we got home from Mud Bay but I felt pretty dang good (although boy did my legs feel it the next day).

In pursuit of good things, both Morgan and I have downloaded Charity Miles and WoofTrax. Both clock how much you walk and donate to your designated charity (CM has a list you can choose from; WoofTrax is dog-focused and will donate to local rescues or shelters) because if we're going to be going out more we might as well donate. We really should have done the WoofTrax thing ages ago but we didn't know about it.

So yeah. I never, ever did Pokemon. I couldn't tell you a damn thing about it except that there was a yellow one named Pikachu. And now I'm evolving them. I don't even, but I'm walking a lot more and having fun, and that's the important part, right? And it's fun to have a hobby Morgan and I can do together that involves exercise of any kind. Count me a convert, I guess.

This entry was originally posted at http://blueraccoon.dreamwidth.org/1374179.html. Please comment there. |

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