That's it. That's my total word count for the year of 2016. Over 550,000 words.How the fuck did I manage that?
Break it down:
161,880 - words written on Wild Card, posted and non.
272,642 - words written on the auction 'verse I started on a whim.
66,061 - words written on tropefest of magical fantasy AU
The rest of it got scattered through a few different things but those were the three main fics that ate my life this year.
I didn't finish WC, of course, even though I tried. But I'm working on the second to last chapter now, and then I have the big party chapter and the epilogue and I am done. So pending any major issues or slowdowns in my writing, I should actually finish soon.
I've signed up for GYWO again next year, at the 350,000 level. I blew past 300k this year, so I wanted a little more challenge for next year but decided not to go for 500k in case that's too much of a challenge. We'll see what I decide to focus on after I finish with WC, but I don't think I'm going to start posting a WIP again, I think the next story I post will be completed before it goes up.
I don't know where all the words came from this year but I'm grateful for them. Heading into 2017 I'm hopeful they will continue to flow.
So, yeah. Ending 2016 on a writing personal high note. It's something.
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