─ application

Aug 14, 2010 12:15

Mun Info:

Name: Elly
Age: 18
Are you a pre-existing member: no.
Have you ever rp'd in a comm before: yes.
Just out of curiosity, how did you hear of us: through dear_mun.
Screen Name we can contact you at: carousel chords
Email: spiceplums@gmail.com

Character Info:

Fandom: Yu-gi-oh!
Name: Kisara
Age: never given.
User Icon: here.

Physical Description of Character: Kisara is a lanky young woman with blue eyes and pale white skin. She has long, rather messy hair that's tinted blue and falls over her eyes. Aside from the one-piece peasant dress she wears, she has no belongings.

Point in Canon: after her death.

Personality: Though others see her as meek and quiet ─ and it's true that she can be both ─ Kisara holds a strong will and a fierce determination to protect those important to her. She has not been shown much kindness in her life, but she still tries to be understanding towards others, and she has strong feelings of loyalty to those who are kind to her. She is also aware of the darkness in people's hearts, and while she may be inexperienced in the ways of the world, she has a good intuition when it comes to a person's true nature, and she lets it guide her.

Having spent most of her life walking the desert, Kisara is not used to having a home or friends. Since she has no money or means of making any, and she's shunned by the people of Egypt, she eats only when she can find food and has gotten used to feeling hunger. Despite her hardships, she fought to keep living - Kisara has a stubborn streak, and she can be quite tenacious.

But perhaps her most endearing trait is her ability to keep an open mind. Kisara is patient, a good listener, and after the persecution she's felt over the color of her hair and eyes, she would never be quick to judge someone or condemn them. On the other hand, her major weakness is her lack of knowledge. Even in the ancient world, there's much Kisara does not know, and once exposed to technology and civilization and such, she'll no doubt find things even more difficult to understand.

History of the Character: As a child, Kisara was captured and brought into Egypt by a group of raiders who intended to sell. She was saved from them when a boy from a nearby village found her and unlocked the cage she was being kept in. He helped her outrun them and gave her his horse, telling her to take it to the next town and that his name is Seto, then bid her goodbye. As she disappeared into the night, Kisara called out that she'll remember this, and one day she'll repay him.

Many years later, Kisara and Seto cross paths as adults when he finds her unconscious in the street after being stoned by villagers. She had emerged from the desert asking for water, but because of her unusual coloring (white hair, blue eyes), the villagers feared she was a demon, and their fear turned to anger. By now, Seto had moved up in the world, and he had become a High Priest serving the Pharaoh. Along with another Priest, Shaada, who could sense a person's Ka, he was in the city looking for powerful Ka that could be used to defend the country. When Seto stops the villagers from attacking Kisara, Shaada senses the power of her Ka and informs his fellow priest, who decides to have Kisara brought back to the palace with them.

She's given a room where she can rest along with food and water. When she awakes, however, she is taken to see Akhenaden, another of the Pharaoh's priests and Seto's father. He has set up an arena where prisoners and their Ka are forced to fight for their lives, and he intends to have Kisara fight in order to measure the power of her Ka. Seto arrives in time to see Kisara being dragged to the arena platform by the palace guards, and when they make eye contact, she recognizes him as the boy who rescued her when she was a child. She asks him to help her before she is forced onto the platform, where two prisoners with menacing-looking Ka are waiting for her.

However, because Kisara is not consciously aware of her Ka at this time, she thinks she can't possibly fight back and readies herself to die. When Seto realizes this, he steps in to protect her, summoning his own Ka to fight against the Ka of the prisoners. In an attempt at strategy, Seto has his Ka Duos cut the chains that are holding up the platforms, causing one of the opponents to fall to his death. Seto and Kisara manage to hold on to one of the chains, but the other prisoner was saved by the web of his Ka, which has also ensnared Duos, leaving Seto and Kisara defenseless.

But before they are attacked, Kisara manages to summon her Ka out of her fear for Seto's life, and the dragon obliterates the prisoner and his Ka, saving them both. Kisara faints, and Seto tells the guards to return her to the room she was given. He and Akhenaden are both astounded by the power of Kisara's Ka, but Akhenaden thinks that Seto should take the dragon and kill Kisara, and he urges Seto to use that power to become Pharaoh himself.

Though Seto brushes him off, Akhenaden remains determined to see Seto become the Pharaoh, and after he betrays the current Pharaoh and gains more power as a Priest of Darkness, he resumes trying to convince his son. Seto gets dangerously close to accepting Akhenaden's way of thinking, but the white dragon appears to warn him as, back at the palace, Kisara suddenly wakes up, concerned for Seto.

She runs out of the palace and into the town, where she proceeds to look for Seto. Meanwhile, he refuses Akhenaden again after the Pharaoh and the Priests argue with him to stay on their side. Akhenaden then abdupts Seto so he'll be able to coerce him without anyone interrupting. Kisara is able to find them, though, and she convinces Seto to fight against his father.

Together they stand up to Akhenaden, and Kisara calls out her dragon, controlling it for the first time. Akhenaden uses his magic to weaken the dragon and tries to seal it in a stone tablet, then after a heated argument with Seto, he fires an attack at his son. Kisara, determined to protect Seto, steps in front of him and takes the shot in his place. She falls, and as she dies, the white dragon is permanently imprisoned in the stone tablet, now just a carving.

Magical Powers/Skills: Kisara has a powerful Ka, which is a monster that resides in a person's soul. Hers is a white dragon, later known as the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and it's said to have power that could rival the gods of Egypt. Kisara herself was not aware she even had a Ka until recently, as her Ka and her Ba (essentially, her life force) are connected, and this caused her to fall unconscious every time the dragon was released.

Weapons: none.

Writing samples:

Personal LJ Sample: [ she leans back against a tree, unaware of the LP's presence. ]

There's so much green here! I've never seen an oasis so large... it's really peaceful. It's a bit strange I haven't seen anyone, though. When you go to the afterlife, isn't your heart weighed? I heard people talking about it once. Ah, but I don't really know that much about it... maybe I'm not included. It's very nice here, so I don't mind.

... Will Lord Seto be all right? I thought I would be able to see him again - watch over him. I hope I was able to help... I hope he doesn't blame himself. No, I shouldn't think like that! He'll be fine, won't he? Mm. He's strong. I believe in him.

Third-Person Sample: She awoke to the harsh rays of the midday sun beating down on her and the feeling of sand in her mouth. Kisara sat up from where she had been lying, mustering enough saliva to spit out the grit littering her tongue. Water. Water. She needed water. Water. But where? She didn't know where she was, let alone if there was a village or perhaps a river nearby. A river would be better - she preferred to avoid places where people gathered if she could. Wherever she went, a pale stranger with blue eyes seemed to equal bad luck or a demon disguised in the eyes of the Egyptian people, and Kisara would be shunned and chased away. It hurt, knowing she was unwelcome, but she knew it couldn't last forever.

One day, she told herself, one day she'd be accepted, rather than feared. She repeated it in her head and her heart like a mantra, and it kept her going, along with a memory of a dark-haired boy from her childhood. He had seen her stark, pallid hair and ghastly skin, features no other Egyptian possessed, but he had taken her hand - risking his life for her! With that one act, he had shown her a kindness she hadn't found in anyone else, and that kept her warm at night when the desert grew cold. She knew people could be kind, even to her. And sooner or later, she'd find someone just as compassionate as that boy. It wasn't impossible. She believed.

She got to her feet and put one foot in front of herself, taking a step forward, then another. It was noon, and she couldn't look ahead without squinting her eyes shut against the sun's blaze. She didn't know where she was going or what she would find in store for her, but that was fine. As long as she took it one step at a time.

ooc: app, *ooc

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