Le Ouji-tachi

Apr 08, 2012 17:29

Happy Easter everyone~! ♥ First of all, I wanted to greet dearest Morimoto Ryutaro a very belated happy birthday!

credits to: alexaleon15@lj
Myojo greeted him and according to what’s going around in Twitter, all of JUMP texted/mailed their messages as well which was first thought of by Yabu. mso-symbol-font-family:Wingdings">(awwww.♥) Whether it’s true or not (which I would like to think it is), I am very sure Ryu is very happy to have received those messages even if he is no longer in the entertainment industry. You are always remembered Ryu and do know that there are people who will continue to support you. We hope you were happy on your Dragon day! Hehe. XD

Recently I have been catching up on dramas and anime. Finished Saikou no Jinsei Owarikata already. Ken-niichaaaaan~! T_T The other day too, I have finally watched JUMP Party 2. I am now starting to think that Inoo and Yabu are Chinen’s parents. Inoo is the mother and Yabu is the father. Uwaaaa~ XD

My jaw hurt after watching the whole thing. :D I was mainly laughing at Takaki, Inoo, Keito and Dai-chan. Daiki and his reactions were very cute. Takaki too. I was amazed how lucky Yuuto and Keito were, just as Takaki was unlucky. Hehe!

As for Inoo, his “Senpo wa...watashi da~” in that DEEP voice was EPIC. XDDD Poor Inoo being deprived of what he loves most. Food. :D

gif credits to: yutti93@tumblr

Also I have been watching the new Prince of Tennis~! I used to really love this anime to bits even if I don’t play tennis. My sister used to find me watching it from morning till night. XD My biases are Tezuka/Fuji/Kikumaru but I love each and every Seigaku character as well. As I watch the scenes, Kikumaru Eiji now reminds me of Inoo because his voice is a bit similar with Inoo’s trademark squeaky voice and he is like Chinen also because he is a flexible acrobat. Although the anime can be exaggerated at times and be very predictable, I just fell in love with the characters. I’m catching up on their OVAs since I stopped watching years ago because I was tired waiting for subs. XD Now, they are doing another season of it so I’m really happy~! mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-char-type:symbol;mso-symbol-font-family:
Wingdings">I guess up until now, I still do love it. ♥

Moving on, sources say that Yamada went to Harajuku just recently. A fan asked for a handshake and he rejected it. This triggered a mixture of emotions within me. I was thinking that the fan must be hurt that he was rejected by Yamada. I would be hurt if it was me. Haters by now are making a mental note that Yamada is indeed snobbish and rude. But then, as I began thinking about Yamada’s side I suppose he was just doing what he thought was correct at that time. Why?

Imagine a scene in Harajuku wherein there is chaos because of you. Then a fan of yours asked for a handshake. If you gave that one fan a handshake, wouldn’t every fan in Harajuku ask for a handshake too? It will cause more chaos wouldn’t it?  Unlike in other countries, isn’t there a rule in fan clubs in Japan that idols are supposed to be left alone and such? Up until now, I feel disturbed about this and I am venting it off since I am now starting to make his birthday post for this May and I need these negative vibes to go away. Yes I feel for the fan, but then we could never judge if Yamada is indeed rude or not. We don't know him. Most probably he was thinking of the consequences that’s why he did it. If the girl is Japanese...she should know the rules right? Or is this rule not well spread amongst fans there I guess? I feel slightly off balanced because there is this possibility that Yamada might indeed be rude, but he can also be NOT rude. I love that boy and if he is indeed snobbish/rude, that makes me sad. BUT he may have rejected it for the reasons I have said earlier. We will never know. And Yamada, you are an idol. Please do WEAR COSTUMES OR WHATEVER in the streets if you don’t want to be spotted ne?!? People will misunderstand if you reject a handshake and it can cause trouble between your fans and haters because sadly, you have the most haters in JUMP after all. So Yamada dear, please make an effort to conceal yourself if you don’t want to be seen.

*deep breaths*

On a lighter note, I am excited for Papa Wa Idol. I wonder what the ending is like~! Saw a recent interview on the new drama with Takaki. Since when did Shintaro gets so big and muscular? Hokuto looks manlier now. Kyaaa~! Will certainly be watching these two dramas together with Hika’s new drama. Hihi. ^ ^

And that is all for me today. I'm off to see another episode of Prince of Tennis. haha! Jaa~! ♥

credits to: bakajima@tumblr

inoo kei, chinen yuuri, hey say jump!, prince of tennis, yabu kota, yamada ryosuke, morimoto shintaro, hokuto matsumura, morimoto ryutaro, takaki yuya

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