Wow, Driver's Ed... learn to fear the roads people. FEAR THEM. For now Taylor has a large metal vehicular unit rolling at you at ungodly speeds. FEEEEAAAAAAR.
Remember, practice safe lunch: use a condiment.
And don't miss the Mexican Basketball Assosiation's fourth annual Juan on Juan competition. Until next time, g'dbye!
So, um, end of school. Yay? Perhaps. No more Marr and Leahey is a bad thing. But no more school is a good thing. Ahh, conflict. Until next time, g'dbye.
So... there's this place off of that allows you to paint and draw and splatter paint and all that stuff. I figured it would be a cool thing to do while killing a bit of time
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Ok, so it's been a while, so here's a conversation that I just had about one of the most mind-boggling lists I've seen, headphones, and pooping wheat stalks (conversation with Bratney/Austin, whichever name thou wish to call her
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