(no subject)

Jan 24, 2008 22:09

The Letter A

Are you available?: Yes.
What is your age?: 27
What annoys you?: Closed minded people. And pimples.

The Letter B

Do you live in a big house?: Technically yes. But my portion of it is a smallish apartmet.
When is your birthday?: 12/11/1980.
Who is your best friend?: Urch, Kat, and Kim. Ah, the ladies!

The Letter C

What's your favorite candy?: Depends on my mood. My mom makes homemade peanut brittle, which is awesome, but I also have an unnatural fondness for Haribo Gummi Bears, and those strawberry candies with the gooey centers.
Who's your crush?: Can't say I really have one at the moment.
When was the last time you cried?: I honestly can't remember. Which I find slightly distressing in itself.

The Letter D

Do you daydream?: not really
What's your favorite kind of dog?: chili with extra onions
What day of the week is it?: Thursday

The Letter E

How do you like your eggs?: deviled please!
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: a few times
What's the easiest thing ever to do?: worry

The Letter F

Have you ever flown a plane?: no
Do you use fly swatters?: by fly swatters, do you mean the bottom of my shoe?
Have you ever used a foghorn?: no

The Letter G

Do you chew gum?: no, I don't really care for it, oddly enough
Are you a giver or a taker?: I like to think I'm both, but I suspect I might be more of a taker
Do you like gummy candies?: yespleasekthx!

The Letter H

How are you?: Okay. Strangely contemplative. Should be studying but I'm thinking about reading a cookbook instad
What color is your hair?: dirty/reddish/blondish/brown

The Letter I

What's your favorite ice cream?: Recently got hooked on Hagen Daas's coconut sherbet. No milk products, so it's good for us lactose intolerant folks!
Have you ever ice skated?: no
Do you play an instrument?: Yes, guitar

The Letter J

What's your favorite jelly bean brand?: JellyBelly. Specifically the popcorn flavor. (answer stolen)
Do you wear jewelry?: a nose ring, a industrial piercing, a cartilage piercing, and a necklace

The Letter K

Who do you want to kill?: WTF? Uh...no!
Do you want kids?: Maybe
Where did you go for kindergarten? Ralls Elementary. Fightin' Jackrabbits represent!

The Letter L

Are you laid back?: Not really, but sometimes people think I am
Do you lie?: Not generally, but sometimes you almost have to

The Letter M

What's your favorite movie?: Crybaby is the answer of the day. No clue, actually
Do you still watch Disney movies?: No
Do you like mangos?: OH GOD NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

The Letter N

Do you have a nickname?: Liz, Liza (said "Lizza")
What is your real name?: Elizabeth Anne
What's your favorite number?: 69!!!! Hurhuhurhur! (Actually, I don't have one really)
Do you prefer night over day?: day

The Letter O

What's your one wish?: to be comfortable
Are you an only child?: Nope, I have a sissssser!

The Letter P

What one fear are you most paranoid about?: Sometime awful happening to my friends or family
What are your pet peeves?: homophobia, people who interupt, people who think I should vote for Ron Paul but haven't read his platform to understand why I don't want to vote for Ron Paul
What's a personality trait you look for in people?: Kindness and humor

The Letter Q

What's your favorite quote?: "Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live” - Charles Bukowski
Are you quick to judge people?: Sometimes, but this is something I strive not to do

The Letter R

Do you think you're always right?: No
Are you one to cry?: Often

The Letter S

Do you prefer sun or rain?: Sun!
Do you like snow?: It's alright every once in a while. Haven't gotten any this year
What's your favorite season?: Fall

The Letter T

What time is it?: 10:55 pm
What time did you wake up?: 6:40am
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: Last may

The Letter U

Are you wearing underwear?: Yes.
Underwear or boxers?: I'm wearing panties, thank you

The Letter V

What's the worst veggie?: I'm really not okay with green peas out of a can
Where do you want to go on vacation?: NYC, or maybe the northwest coast, since I've not been there yet

The Letter W

What's your worst habit?: I have to admit, I've been known to pick my nose
Where do you live?: Denton Fucking Texas!
What's your worst fear?: I really don't have one, I figure what will be, will be. So I don't have one overwhelming fear, honestly.

The Letter X

Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yes, quite a few
Have you seen the x-games?: on TV, yes
Do you own a xylophone?: No

The Letter Y

Do you like the color yellow?: Eh, it's alright
What's one thing you yearn for?: happiness

The Letter Z

What's your zodiac sign?: Sagittarius
Do you believe in the zodiac?: No, but I read it for the synchronicities.
Favorite zoo animal?: I'm currently enamored with Red Pandas


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