Hah, it's been like two months since I updated this shit. Things are good, but
this is sad. :(
[16:40] mekjane13: well let's just have a moment of silence
[16:40] mekjane13: for the man who probably caused more kids to break bones than any other
[16:42] mekjane13: okay now let's go set some school buses on fire and jump them with a sweet motorcycle
[16:42] dragonflyflown: hahahahahahahahaha
[16:42] dragonflyflown: yessss
[16:43] mekjane13: you're in charge of getting the jumpsuits
[16:43] mekjane13: i'll get the buses
[16:43] mekjane13: and the gasoline
[16:46] dragonflyflown: hahahahaha
[16:46] dragonflyflown: i'll get the torch
[16:46] mekjane13: sweet
I'm not going to promise any updates in any intervals. Fuck you guys.
ps: <3!