spn_j2_bigbang 2013 art - All Your Instruments

Aug 09, 2013 05:00

Title: All Your Instruments
Author: kalliel
Artist: blueteainfusion
Genre: S6-based horror story turned pyrotechnic carnivalesque
Characters: Dean, Mary
Rating: R
Warnings: body horror, disturbing/grotesque imagery, lots of fire
Summary: A suicide mission against Hell leaves Heaven in shambles and the rest of world in ecological turmoil, as ocean temperatures spike and Heaven's ashes trigger volcanic activity in Alaska.  And all bets are off in Heaven, where memories are malleable, similes are no longer strictly figurative, and Castiel has organized an appallingly novice brass band to play his homeland's swan song.  Castiel and Mary investigate the circumstances surrounding Dean's death, but find that the autopsy of a suicide is no easy task.  Meanwhile, Hell's more artistic titillations have followed Dean upstairs, and he's disinclined to resist the inevitable.  Sometimes things burn.
And the carnival of the grotesque has Alastair's House of Reds on the grandstand tonight.
Link to fic: here

Artist's Notes: Well, it's been an absolute treat to be able to work on illustrations to kalliel's amazing story! Her writing is so imaginative and full of amazing ideas that the pictures just drew themselves! I had so many ideas for more art, sadly, this challenge came at the worst possible time period for me, so I had to settle for much less than I originally intended. Nevertheless, I'm sure my many future artworks will benefit from the inspiration I got from this surreal and very poignant story. I tried to not be obvious (just like the imagery in the fic itself is not obvious), but also had to do the justice to the piece - as the result, you'll probably recognize some other references :) Please enjoy!
Also, many thanks to the mods of this wonderful challenge - you're the best!


"Sometimes, Dean dreams about kidneys.  His own kidneys.  He dreams about lungs.  Sometimes, he thinks, it'd be fucking great if he could take all of his organs and lay them out--like some kind of fieldstriptease.  He'd put them all back, he's pretty sure.  The number of times he's seen them outside of his body, he'd know a gallbladder when he saw one.  And he's had a lot of practice.  It's one of those things times where Dean understands the world one way, and realizes that that's probably not the sane way to go.  It happens."

"Little Mary is sixteen today, hips swerving with the hoop around her middle.  It swings around and around, faster and faster, then sumptuously slow.  [...]  She spins and spins and spins inside her little ring of rock salt"


supernatural, spn j2 big bang, art

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