Title: Path of Most Resistance
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Summary: The Adjustment Bureau AU: John is meant to be with Sarah. It is Sherlock's job to ensure it, but John is full of surprises.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Fanfiction.
Path of Most Resistance: Epilogue )
Comments 26
I'll have to check out what this was based off of, because this fic was just so good.
You've taken my favourite movie, added in two cups of the most awesome show on the face of the planet, whizzed it in the processor for 2 minutes, and created the best mix ever.
Sorry for the crappy food analogy but this fic is mindbogglingly good.
Mindbogglingly good.
Are you sure this is your first in this fandom?
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