Title : Reita’s Noseband Meets Arashi
Chapters : Drabble / One-shot
Author :
bluevioletappleGenre : CRACK !
Warnings : CRACK ! SRS CRACK !
Rating : G
Pairings / Characters : IMPLIED Nino / Reita
Synopsis : Reita looked at the four members before him who were all staring at him oddly.
Comments : Crackcrackcrackcrackcrackcrackcrack ahoy ! :DDDD
Reita looked at the four members before him who were all staring at him oddly.
The tall one , Aiba , Reita's mind provided as he remembered the introductions earlier , poked a shorter member who was staring into space , whispering , " Leader ! Leader ! Look ! He's got something covering his nose ! Look ! "
Reita would have muttered something back but the smart looking one , the newscaster had smacked Aiba's head and turned back to him , bowing and apologising for Aiba's rudeness.
The curly haired one scoffed and muttered something about his noseband not matching his shirt and pants. He'd seen him in a drama somewhere. Hell , he'd seen all of them in some sort of drama or tv production or movie somewhere. They were idols , Reita reminded himself.
The smart one , Sho cleared his throat and politely proceeded to ask him why he was he in their dressing room in the first place.
" Ah ! Reita-chan ! " Nino poked his head through the dressing room door before Reita could answer Sho.
" Ehh ? Nino , you know him ? " Aiba asked as he flitted over to Nino curiously.
" Nope ! I just crashed into him when I was on the way home one day. He lives near me. " Nino said as he walked over to Reita. " Also ! His noseband interests me ! Look ! "
Reita could only huff in annoyance as Nino poked his noseband. Before Aiba could join in the poking and prodding session though , Nino leaned into Reita and planted a soft kiss against his lips. " And besides , the noseband makes his lips more kissable. "
Reita could only imitate a fish as Nino dragged him out of the dressing room , leaving four ( well three , cause Ohno's just Ohno ) stunned Arashi members still gaping over what just happened.
This is what happens when you wonder too much about stuff. ( And what happens when two of your favourite fandom meets when the author is high on chocolate. )