Title morituri te salutamus Rating: G Characters/Pairing Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Robin Word Count: 2655 Notes Mafia AU, prequel to this and this and based off the Jinginai Time omake from the anime
Oh my god, the feels! THE FEELS! I don't know how I got through this without sobbing! I just- Luffy seems to be the only one who is happy about all of this. You stupid, simple minded buffoon. Augh the feeeeeeeeels.
Really though, I think Luffy comes out of it the worst off, because he ends up all alone! Most tragic omake ever, or most tragic omake ever? Granted, in the end we find out it's all a dream, but..... does that make it worse????
Comments 2
Really though, I think Luffy comes out of it the worst off, because he ends up all alone! Most tragic omake ever, or most tragic omake ever? Granted, in the end we find out it's all a dream, but..... does that make it worse????
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