Title: 20 Morally Ambiguous Things Nami’s Had to Say Over a Den-Den Mushi (Through No Fault of Her Own, Really) Rating: G Characters: Nami&co Word count: 774 Notes: Birthday fic for piratequeenoftheeasternseas!!
Your writing is always so special; chock-full of history and secrets, with no detail wasted or added in haste! What I found myself enjoying in this fic wasn't the lines themselves but the circumstances surrounding the lines. Each have such interesting tales, and I wonder if you've any on your "to-write" list for another time. :)
Ahh, thank you so much! That's so kind of you to say ;;;; I worry sometimes about getting too obsessive with details, but I'm glad it worked well for a format like this, which relies heavily on implication and hinting and such!
Nami's just street smart, that's all XD And with major street cred.
If I reposted my favorite lines I would be reposting the whole thing. I love it! I soooo want some fics based off of these lines. They were wonderful, thanks for sharing! ^_^
SUCH A LATE REPLY but ahhh thank you thank you. Nami's tact and wit are sharp as knives.
The pawn-broker will gladly sell it to you. He didn't want it in the first place, not really, but it's hard to say no when hulking, green-haired men are looming in your shop muttering things about paying off interest and how it would be more convenient for all parties involved if you'd just fork over the money, no no, more than that, she won't be satisfied with so little, actually you know what, why don't you just empty the register and then we can all be on our way.
Comments 14
Your writing is always so special; chock-full of history and secrets, with no detail wasted or added in haste! What I found myself enjoying in this fic wasn't the lines themselves but the circumstances surrounding the lines. Each have such interesting tales, and I wonder if you've any on your "to-write" list for another time. :)
Nami's just street smart, that's all XD And with major street cred.
Maybe one day some of these will get a full-length fic! But if the inspiration strikes you, please feel free to take these and run with it! <3
I want the trophy Luffy won.
The pawn-broker will gladly sell it to you. He didn't want it in the first place, not really, but it's hard to say no when hulking, green-haired men are looming in your shop muttering things about paying off interest and how it would be more convenient for all parties involved if you'd just fork over the money, no no, more than that, she won't be satisfied with so little, actually you know what, why don't you just empty the register and then we can all be on our way.
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