Donghae and Siwon were sprawled all over the couch in the living room watching some random infomercial when Leeteuk came in, hamper in hand.
“The washing machine’s free now, if you guys want to do laundry.”
Leeteuk then walked back down the hall towards his and Kangin’s room, presumably to fold the newly washed clothes.
Siwon lifted his head to look at Donghae, “Do you want to do laundry now?”
“…Not really…”
Siwon sighed, “Okay, fine. Don’t you think you should do laundry now?”
Rolling his eyes, Siwon gave Donghae a pointed look. “Would you just go wash your clothes? They’re stinking up our room!”
“They are not!” Donghae pouted, flipping himself over so he was now sprawled on his stomach, face buried in the pillow.
Siwon raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really now? Donghae, when was the last time you washed those socks?”
Donghae peeked out from the pillow, looking at his feet and wiggling his toes in his white socks covered with blue fish.
“I’ve only worn them four times this week! They’re still clean, seeeeee?” Donghae began waving his foot in front of Siwon’s face.
“Gah! I don’t want to see or smell your feet,” Siwon shoved the socked foot out of smelling range. “Just go wash your clothes.” And with that, Siwon shoved Donghae off the couch, sending him into a heap on the floor.
Huffing indignantly, Donghae got up and brushed himself off, sticking his tongue out at Siwon before stalking back to their room to get the overflowing hamper of clothes.
Shoving all of the clothes into the washing machine, Donghae started it up and skipped back to the living room and plopped back onto the couch next Siwon.
“Did you wash your clothes?”
“Why yes. Yes I did. Happy now?”
“Yes. Very. I think one of your socks bit me last night…”
“Silly Siwonnie, socks don’t bite…unless they were abducted by aliens…and then were used in alien experiments…and then they were mutated…and then they came to life…and then they were sent back to earth…so that the evil mutant socks would eat people…and then they could take over the world… OH MY GO-“ a sharp warning look from Siwon made Donghae stop mid-rant, correcting himself. “I mean…OH MY GOSH ALIENS SENT EVIL MUTANT SOCKS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!~”
Rolling his eyes, Siwon reassured the now panicking Fishy, “There are no such things as evil sock mutants. I was kidding!”
“Evil sock mutants are nothing to kid about!”
Hearing the ding that meant the wash cycle was done, Siwon let out a sigh, shaking his head slowly from side to side. “Just go finish washing your clothes. Aliens only like to abduct dirty socks, you know.”
Upon hearing this, Donghae raced to the laundry room to save his socks from any possible alien abduction.
Flinging open the washer door, Donghae grabbed a random article of clothing from the washing machine…and lo and behold it was a sock!
Taking a tentative sniff at it, Donghae wrinkled his nose and tossed it back into the washer, grabbing another random article of clothing…it was a shirt this time. Taking another test smell at it, he found it smelled just as bad. Frantic to save his clothes, mostly his socks, from the aliens that were sure to abduct his laundry and turn them into mutant man-eating clothes because they weren’t clean, he flailed his way into the living room.
“SIWON SIWON SIWON! My socks are gonna get abducted! Help me save them!”
Raising an eyebrow, Siwon questioned, “What do you mean? Didn’t you already wash them?”
“I did! I did! But they’re still not clean!”
“…The machine was working fine when Leeteuk did his laundry just now…”
“You see? It’s all part of the alien’s evil plans! They made a special machine that breaks all the washing machines so that everyone’s clothes stay dirty so they can abduct them all and turn them into evil mut-“
“Okay, okay. Evil mutant man-eating clothing. Got it.” And with that, Siwon shoved himself off the couch and followed the flailing Fishy back to the laundry room.
After checking all the plugs and valves, everything seemed to be in working order.
Scratching his head, Siwon turned to Donghae and asked, “What exactly did you do with your laundry? From the looks of it, everything should work fine.”
Donghae pouted, “All I did was put my clothes in the washer, and pressed the start button…You see?!?! It’s the aliens I tell you! The aliens!!!!”
Then it dawned on Siwon. Giving Donghae a pointed look, Siwon asked, “Donghae…did you put soap in the machine?”
Donghae stopped mid-flail. “Soap? …OH YEAH! I have to put that in before I push start, huh?”
Donghae grinned sheepishly as Siwon promptly face-palmed.