Am I a bitch or mean? niether, unless you're in a bad mood which is understandable, cause isn't everyone bitchy and mean when they're in a bad mood? (wow that was a lot more that one word)
Am I a whore or skank? skank
Am I beautiful or ugly? beautiful
Am I helpful or just plain annoying? helpful
Do you love me or like me? love you
Would you make love to me, or just have sex? no girl on girl
Comments 11
Am I a whore or skank? Whore
Am I beautiful or ugly?B-e-a-utiful
Am I helpful or just plain annoying?eh..kinda both :P
Do you love me or like me?I love you
Would you make love to me, or just have sex?just have sex
Would you cry the day I died?Yes
Would you hug me if I needed it?You betcha
~Franky...Cant wait to see your hair by the way!:)
Am I a bitch or mean?nooooooooooone!
Am I a whore or skank?whore:p:p
Am I beautiful or ugly?be a utiful ;)
Am I helpful or just plain annoying?helpful
Do you love me or like me?of course i love yah:p
Would you make love to me, or just have sex?...hmmm
Would you cry the day I died?yeaaaaaah
Would you hug me if I needed it?yes ma'm
Am I sweet or nice? nice and sweet
Am I a bitch or mean? niether, unless you're in a bad mood which is understandable, cause isn't everyone bitchy and mean when they're in a bad mood? (wow that was a lot more that one word)
Am I a whore or skank? skank
Am I beautiful or ugly? beautiful
Am I helpful or just plain annoying? helpful
Do you love me or like me? love you
Would you make love to me, or just have sex? no girl on girl
Would you cry the day I died? yes
Would you hug me if I needed it? yes
Some them were more than one word :P
love you!
<3 you moe!
Am I a bitch or mean? neither
Am I a whore or skank? both.. hehe just kidding<333 muah!
Am I beautiful or ugly? BEAUTIFUL!!! >:0
Am I helpful or just plain annoying? HELPUFL!<3
Do you love me or like me? love<3
Would you make love to me, or just have sex? yeah... uh....
Would you cry the day I died? yes!! i would cry forever!
Would you hug me if I needed it? DUH! i'm always here for you!!
love you bitch!♥
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