Name: Masamune
Livejournal Username: thegamehiker
AIM/MSN: Masamune3x (AIM)
Current Characters at Luceti:
markofthewise Character
Name: Palom
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV: The After
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Time Period: Just after the moon landing, before entering the Subterrane.
Wing Color: Teal
History: From a very young age, the twins Palom and Porom were destined for great things. Despite their youth, both of the children were magical prodigies and highly intelligent. Although his sister was gentler (to other people at least) and nicer, Palom was arrogant and a typical brat. While still apprentices and at the age of five, they were called on by the Elder to assist the Dark Knight Cecil Harvey ascend Mount Ordeals in order to become a Paladin. Cecil had previously stolen the village's Water Crystal, so the true purpose of the twins accompanying him was to spy on him and make sure his intentions were pure. While ascending the mountain, they would met the great sage, Tellah. Although Palom didn't think much of him at the time, Tellah was a powerful magician who was seeking to learn the spell Meteor to use against Golbez.
After Cecil vanquishd his dark side, the group returned to Mysidia where the twins were supposed to return to their studies, but they convinced the elder to let them continue traveling with Cecil. Shortly after arriving in Baron, they ran into a brainwashed Yang, but were able to bring him to his senses afterward. Together then snuck into Baron Castle and dispatched Baigan after the twins realized he was being controlled by Golbez. Afterwards they discovered that the king had been replaced by Cagnazzo and promptly defeated him, leading to a reunion between Cecil and Cid.
With Cid's promise of finding his new airship, they prepare to leave the castle, but are instead caught in Cagnazzo's trap which causes the doors to begin closing on them. With no other options to stop the walls from closing in on them, the twins cast Break on their selves, turning them into stone and halting the advance of the walls. But because they had willingly made their sacrifice, Tellah was unable to restore them with Esuna. They would remain this way for a long time afterward until at last the Elder of Mysida traveled to Baron and restored them to life. They were then taken to the battle with the Giant of Babil to lend their assistance. They then continued with Cecil and the others until the end where at last they defeated Zemus and freed Golbez from his control.
With the world at peace again, Palom returned to Mysidia with his sister. After learning of Tellah's sacrifice, he vowed to become an even greater sage than Tellah. Shortly after his adventures, he briefly met an older Troian girl named Leonora to whom he bragged about his adventures in his typical manner. At first he was forced to stay in Mysidia to continue his studies, but eventually he and his sister were allowed to set out in his sage training. Because he idolized Tellah, he decided to make his first visit to Kaipo, where Tellah and his daughter were buried. They then set out for the Underwater Passageway, as Palom wanted to take a shot at the same Octomammoth that Tellah had fought. He would continue to follow this same pursuit over the years, even to the point where he asked Rydia to take him to the Feymarch. Although they traveled all the way to the Underworld to do so (including a stop by the Dwarven Castle where he bumped into Luca), ultimately Rydia would not take them inside, because the inhabitants did not like human visitors. In the years that followed, Palom allowed his arrogance and ego keep him from achieving his goals and in laziness allowed his natural affinity allow him to skirt through his training as a black mage. Despite his ambitions to become a Sage, the elder never allowed it and ultimately Palom never reached his full potential, although he gained much fame for his adventures with Cecil and as being the most powerful Black Mage in Mysidia.
Seventeen years after the defeat of Zemus, Palom was unexpectedly sent to Troia when a black mage is requested to train their newest Epopt. This comes as a surprise to Palom, as usually it is Porom who trains them as White Mages, but he reluctantly takes the mission anyways. However things go wrong on his week-long voyage to Troia when the ship's compass breaks and they are stuck out at sea for over a month before finally reaching land. When at last he finally arrived in Troia, he visited the village briefly (where he ran into Iyazoi in disguise as an Epopt apprentice, though he suspected her of some deception). Afterward met the apprentice Epopt he would be training, a girl named Leonora. He was instructed to teach her Black Magic and escort her through the Tower of Trials.
Initially Palom did not think much of his new apprentice and consistently belittled her efforts as he instructed her in magic, though he gained some respect for her when she finally stood up to him when he began badmouthing the Epopts. Upon finishing her training, the two returned to Troia and learned that the Red Wings of Baron were coming to invade. Because Troia was largely a peaceful nation, Palom insisted he take and hide the Earth Crystal from them and took Leonora along with him through a secret passage to escape through.
After fleeing by Black Chocobo, the two arrived in the Lodestone Caverns to shake off their pursuers. They were pursued into the chamber where the Dark Elf resided and were forced to do battle with him. After he transformed into his dragon form, the two were unable to damage him and were only saved by the Eidolon Shiva, which turned out to be summoned by a Mysterious Woman. Palom refused to hand over the crystal to her and had Leonora teleport away while he turned himself into stone to keep the crystal from being stolen. However the woman called his bluff and was prepared to shatter him before Leonora returned and cast Esuna to heal him. She then revealed that she had known Palom since he was a child and the two decided to work together to defeat the woman. Despite their combined power, the two are ultimately defeated and the Earth Crystal is taken from them. The two are then frozen in ice and left in the cavern where they would be of no further nuisance.
It would be some time later that they were at last tracked down by Edge, Rydia, Luca, and Golbez. After convincing Shiva to come over to their side, Palom and Leonora were unfrozen, but were still weak from the encounter and remained bedridden for a little while longer. Ultimately the heroes are assembled and take off to the True Moon to take on the Mysterious Girl.
Although Palom has matured since his bratty days as a child, Palom has still remained egotistical and full of himself. He is not completely oblivious of his own flaws though and realizes that because of his success, he hasn't pushed himself as hard as he could have. Despite this, he mouths off to anyone who will let him get away with it and because of his fame, few people are ever willing to stand up to him. He has become less concerned about his own ego and is annoyed by honorifics, whether they are being applied to him or on others. His successes have also made him something of a success with women and consequently he has been known to flirt with women when given the opportunity.
Ultimately Palom is still a good person and is driven by a desire to protect those he cares about and doing what is right. In particular he shares a very close bond with his sister and the two have been known to exhibit almost a sixth sense of knowing when the other is in danger. Although he can be selfish over the little things, he isn't afraid to selflessly put himself on the line to fight for others. Despite his loyalty to Mysidia and the Elder, Palom prefers to do things his own way and often finds himself at odds with his sister over his cavalier attitude to rules. In the end, Palom only shows respect to people who respect themselves and he doesn't bother being nice to people who can't even stand up to him.
Physical: Although a mage, Palom keeps himself in fairly good shape. Although not quite the soldier's build, he has the stamina to traverse all over the world in silly robes and fight off monsters, even if he does it with his magic. Although typically the type to fight with a staff, he's skilled enough to use a bow. His real power, however, is in his magic. Palom is the most powerful and skilled black mage in Mysidia, the potency of his magic even exceeding that of the Lunarian Golbez and Summoner Rydia. His magic is largely elemental in nature, ranging from typical ice, fire, and lightning spells to devastatingly powerful magic like Quake, Meteor, and Flare. He also possesses less lethal spells that allow him to put people to sleep, transform them into a toad or pig, or temporarily freeze a person in place.
Mental: Palom possesses a genius intellect that he shares with his sister. Even at the age of four the two of them were already extremely intelligent and observant, both of them spotting lies that their elders didn't notice. His knowledge tends to largely pertain to magical studies and although he only practices black magic, he likely knows more about other kinds of magic than most other white mages do. His travels as a child have made him worldly wise in some sense and given his adventurous nature, he's quick to handle any strange situation that comes his way, which tends to come up frequently in his travels to try and become a Sage.
Physical: Take away his magic and Palom is a squishy mage who, although he knows some basic self defense, would be overwhelmed by any fighter with skill. Even with his magic, Palom is only at his best if he has some armored meat shield to absorb the attacks while he casts his magic. Although he can often chant off a spell rather quickly, his more powerful magic is anything but instantaneous and leaves him vulnerable.
Mental: Genius or not, Palom prefers to do things his own way. Sometimes this works for him, other times not so much. His sense of pride and arrogance are often easily punctured, especially when he's faced with someone who could potentially surpass him, such as his sister or his acolyte, Leonora. His mouthy nature can get him in trouble, as he's not afraid to say exactly what he thinks, save for when it comes to praising other people for their skills, in which case he will be slow to admit that they are any good at all. Unlike his sister, he's only polite when he wants to be and that's rarely ever happened.
First Person:
[There's a moment as Palom shakes off the disorientation of going from a dead lunar surface to being surrounded by trees.]
This is no Moon... [Standing up he looks around and frowns.] It's a forest.
Porom? Golbez? Leonora? Hello, anyone? Oh, well this just figures, doesn't it? Just leave me alone in a forest, won't you? Don't think just because I'm stranded here you'll get to have all the fun of taking down all those weird looking ladies.
[A small moment later, he notes his own appearance.] Who went and stole all my clothes? And my staff? And... [He reaches behind and goes for his hair.] My hair ties? Now that's just low. People have no idea how long it takes to put those in. Ugh.
[A moment later, he lights a nearby tree on fire. He nods in satisfaction.] Well, at least I'm not helpless.
Third Person:
Palom was left to puzzle over the fact he was now dressed in these ridiculously thin cotton pants when he had woke up. Why had someone gone to the trouble of stealing his clothing, much less changing him into other clothes? It was odd because he couldn't detect any of the normal side effects he felt after having Sleep cast on him, nor did his head show the normal sensation of having been knocked out. Was he drugged? He considered the possibility. Pharmacology was a little outside his range of expertise, though he wondered at what point he could have been dosed. Perhaps while he had been in bed recovering. But who would have done that? One of those ninjas with Edge? That female one had a strangely familiar look to her...
Well, there was nothing for it now. He was in the middle of the forest with a fairly unremarkable book that he paid no attention to. Any attempt at casting Warp failed to have a result. In fact, he had noted that casting magic seemed to be harder than before. They lacked the same classic potency he always prided himself in. Clearly it must be a side effect of being drugged. Once he had cleared his head, put something in his stomach, and was able to concentrate, he'd be back to his old self. It would be especially helpful once he rid himself of that pain in his back. He stretched out in a futile attempt to sort out what was going wrong, but even this failed to be effective. Where was a good white mage when you needed one?
His plodding about the forest eventually found himself in the presence of a wooden structure. A lookout point, perhaps. It seemed to be unmanned at the moment, but once he was inside, he found it to at least be furnished and stocked with the most basic of supplies. After settling in for the moment, he went to go solve his hunger problem. What he found to hold him over was a can with a picture of some fairly inedible looking beans on the paper covering. After failing to pry off the top off with his bare hands, he glared at the can in frustration. Seeing nothing around him that would be helpful for opening it, he decided to see if Thundara would loosen it up a little.
Minutes later, Palom exited the station, his pants and skin now covered in splotches of overly baked beans. This wasn't going to be a good day.