British culture, history, locale, etc. as a theme. Anything is fine, whether it's sightseeing around the British Isles, exploring cultural nuances, a piece heavy on British history, whatever. ( Read more... )
OMG YOU ARE AMAZING XDD but first of all I am amazing for working out YOU ARE THE ANON who did that drawing with doctor!Al and patient!Artie. you know, the one which is full of smexiness? XDD well I feel so fulfilled right now xD
ps. I have been stalking your drawings for a while but after you reviewed the Handbook... I got another look this morning XDDD OH thank you for that as well <333
Comments 18
ps. I have been stalking your drawings for a while but after you reviewed the Handbook... I got another look this morning XDDD OH thank you for that as well <333
Dammit. I hate it when my style gives me away without official deanoning! *hides in corner*
Ahem. But yes, thank you so much for the kind comment!! And not at all, I'm happy to support your story! ( .////.)
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