Title: Are we ready? Rating: PG Pairing: DiNozzo/McGee Genre: Established Relationship Summary: A little one shot inspired by the season 5 episode Stakeout Disclaimer: I don't own them ... and all errors are mine
I like how the insecurity Tony (in the first place) shows seems rather designed to find out if Tim is going to chicken out than to actually voice his own doubts. At least, that's how I read it. Also, Tim being reasonable versus Tony making assumptions (or facts vs thoughts and feelings), works very well.
"And now you’re having second thoughts.” A hand hesitantly reached out for another. “Why are you having second thoughts?”
Comments 2
"And now you’re having second thoughts.” A hand hesitantly reached out for another. “Why are you having second thoughts?”
This is a very beautiful moment.
yeah, I always figured Tim would be the more reasonable one.
glad you liked it :)
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