What's in a name? Well quite a lot actually. Unable to sleep a couple of nights ago, I was listening to the radio. I like night-time radio, it's broadcast in a way that suggests the people doing the broadcasting don't think anyone's listening. It's sort of sloppy, yet engaging, amateur and professional all at the same time. Yet, the very fact that
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Comments 6
Good questions by the way. There are plenty of such names around me here in Sweden and I remember a couple of pretty confusing ones in Russia. I'll think of how to translate them to English. :)
Here is the anecdote: It's year 2010. Time of the year: Summer. Place: your house. Room: your kitchen. People involved: your parents, Marcin and I. Situation: you mum is suggesting where to go sightseeing. We decided to go by West Somerset Railway. We are all looking at the map, and your mum is explaining the best possible route. Marcin is listening carefully but he can't figure out what your mum is saying: "See what is in my head and then watch it" What the heck? LOL Crazy woman she must be;)
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