Current mood :: Lethargic melancholy
Current music :: Handel Italian cantatas
Current taste :: Copper
Current hair :: Unceremoniously tied back.
Current clothes :: Jeans and my black jumper that seems to get bigger every time I wear it.
Current annoyance :: Myself. Well, my own wallowing state of mind. Pathetic.
Current smell :: Berry shampoo.
Current thing I ought to be doing :: Nothing. It's infuriating. Well, music practice. Always music practice.
Current desktop picture :: Galadriel from the Lord of the Rings.
Current favorite band :: The Impossible Cinema
Current book :: Les Miserablés. I have to read everything twice to feel like I've done it justice.
Current cd in stereo :: The accompaniment cd from the Italian aria book.
Current crush :: Meh.
Current favorite celeb :: This second, Scarlett Johansson.
Current hate :: Summer clothes.
Do drugs? :: Nope.
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: Not at the moment, but I've had lots of them throughout my life. I've usually found them to have some meaning.
Read the newspaper? :: Yes, I should like to think so.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: I didn't realise it was interesting enough to warrant a question, but yes.
Believe in miracles? :: Absolutely. Of course, what I consider a miracle is far less interesting than most other people assume from the word.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: I think that the number of people who've managed says so. For anyone to say they can't is just an excuse to give themselves free reign to do whatever they feel like.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: I try.
Consider love a mistake? :: It has been in my experience.
Like the taste of alcohol? :: Depends what alcohol. Pure alcohol, probably not.
Have a favorite candy? :: Halva
Believe in astrology? :: In Charts, yes, in predictions, not really.
Believe in magic? :: If I didn't I'd be a bit confused.
Believe in God? :: Quite so.
Have any pets? :: A rottweiler named Lili, a horrible little cat named Miffy, a budgy who calls himself Joey, and two chickens known to one another as "Bwok" but to us as Ginger and Posh (or sometimes "Bee boks" or "Gingook" and "Poshchook". I call my companion animals by very strange babytalk variations of their names)
Go to or plan to go to college? :: It will hopefully be a part of my near future.
Have any piercings? :: Just ears, I'm pretty tame.
Hate yourself :: Not hate. Get very annoyed with.
Have an obsession? :: Always. I have quite an obsessive personality.
Have a secret crush? :: Wasn't there a question about this already?
Care about looks? :: My own, or other people's? Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't vain, but that's not because I think I'm good looking. It's more because I find it very strange to see to what other people see me as. I so little associate what I look like with who I feel like I am that looking in the mirror is often almost like looking at a complete stranger. As for other people, it would be hard to say that looks don't matter at all, but I find that I think people I like are better looking people than people who I find unpleasant.
Bought :: Sunscreen.
Ate :: A hommus and tibouli roll.
Drank :: Pineapple juice.
Read :: The new Cosmo... what?
Watched on tv :: The second series of Blackadder, but if you mean actual television then South Park.
kill :: No one, even if I do think that there are certain people that the world would be better off without.
be like :: Anyone who managed to change the world for the better.
avoid :: Anyone around whom I would want to burst into tears. They do exist.
Done drugs? :: What do you consider a drug?
Broken the law? ::Who can honestly say they haven't?
Run away from home? :: When I was about 7.
Broken a bone? :: Both my arms and my nose.
Played Truth Or Dare? :: It'd be interesting to meet someone who hadn't.
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: Yes, but not voluntarily.
Been in a fight? :: A few.
Come close to dying? :: I've never felt it.
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: Spice Girls. What? I loved them when I was 12.
Your bedroom like? :: A complete mess. Clothes and shoes everywhere, a desk covered with books and candlesticks and oil burners and photos, drawings, photos, posters, cards I valued getting and my Sindarin tengwar chart on the walls, my altar tucked away under my bed along with about half a million soft toys that I cant bear to get rid of because of my sentimentality but have nowhere to put.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: Walnut toast.
Your favorite restaurant? :: Newly Vegetarian Orgasm. The best cake I've ever had, vegan or not.
What's on your bedside table? :: Alarm clock, lamp, books.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? :: Soy ice-cream.
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: It's no secret. The Return of the King.
What is your biggest fear? :: Coming to the end of my life and realising that I've wasted it.
Do you ever have to beg? :: What do you mean, do I have to? I try not to, generally.
Are you a pyromaniac? :: I don't think so, though fire IS fun.
Crushes? :: Must you ask this three times, really?
Do you know anyone famous? :: Not unless you count me.
Describe your bed :: It's sort of like a bunk bed but with no bottom bunk, so high up with space underneath.
Spontaneous or plain? :: I didn't realise that spontaneous and plain were opposites. I would have thought that the opposite to spontaneous was considered, not plain.
Do you know how to play poker? :: In a very rudimentary way.
What do you carry with you at all times? :: Phone, keys and usually wallet.
What do you miss most about being little? :: Having a great imagination.
Are you happy with your given name? :: Sort of. It looks nice written down.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? :: Why would anyone pay me for that? Probably not much, anyway. I use it a lot, but could easily do without.
What color is your bedroom? :: Meh, boring cream white. Hopefully to become grey-green.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: Not so much believe in myself, as not willing to accept anything less than perfect of myself, which, I must say, leaves me unsatisfied most of the time.
Do you think you're cute? :: Ha ha ha ha ha... Oh, you were serious?
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: Not at all, except to make me annoyed at myself for not doing more to help them.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: I try.
Are you a tease? :: I couldn't say.
Are you shy to make the first move? :: Not so much shy as self-depricating, but same result.