1. Full Name: Rebecca Claire Rosalia Archer Moret
2. Are you named after anyone? Biblical Rebekah, I think. But there's a fun story behind my being named, for those who don't know it. My mother was planning to call me Rachel, but when I was born she didn't think I was pretty enough so she changed it to Rebecca. But you know, I actually have come to like it. Rachel is like the name equivilent of sugared almonds, and Rebecca is more sort of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is way better than sugared almonds any day.
3. Which finger is your favourite? Middle finger, because it's the only one I can effectively wear rings on on account of having stubby fingers. Also, they're the strongest and so the most useful.
4. When did you last cry? When my dog was in hospital a couple of weeks ago.
5. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? Ha HA! I cleverly got rid of the seriously embarrassing ones a while back.
6. Cd. that you want to buy? Cd? Buy? Hmmm.... well, if I must, probably Cecilia Bartoli's "The Salieri Album", or the Renee Fleming and Bryn Terfel duet album.
7. Last movie that you saw? I have no idea... all the days keep blurring into one another, so I'm not entirely sure what happened when.
8. If you were another person, would you be friends with YOU? Aquaintances, maybe, because I couldn't take my company for that long. I'm too damn annoying.
9. Do looks matter? What can I say? I'm a shallow, shallow person.
10. Have you ever said a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? Often. (Oh, I'm sure Christina gets this, anyway)
11. How do you release anger? I usually don't, actually. I tend to stew.
12. Where are your second homes? Sarah, Chris and Monnie's houses, the music library.
13. Do you trust others easily? Superficially, yes, but genuinely, not really.
14. What 1 class in school/uni is totally useless? Hmmm... It's pretty funny that we get credit for sitting in concert class for two hours.
15. Do you have a journal? On and off. Years of having journals read by my sister have turned my off them, I must say.
16. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sacrasm is either the bitterness of people angry at the world, the arrogance of the informed, or the last refuge of the emotionally vulnerable. Place me where you choose.
17. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Yes, but I didn't really like it. I am fond of my personal space.
18. What do you look for in a boy/girl? Intelligence, insight, wit. A good butt is high on the list, too.
19. What are your nicknames? Any conventionally shortening of Rebecca, I suppose. Except Becky. I shall take a sawn off shotgun to anyone who calls me Becky.
21. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Depends what shoes, and how much I love them.
22. Do you think you are strong? Well, obviously not physically, seeing as I have the exercise regime of a sack of potatoes, and not emotionally, seeing as emotionally I keep clumsily walking into doorframes. I can sort of hold my own intellectually, I suppose. There's something.
23. What is your favourite ice cream flavour? When I was little, the shop up the street from me used to have this flavour called Old English Toffee that was the best sort of ice-cream ever. I never found any like it anywhere else. I think So-Good should make Old English Toffee ice-cream.
24. What's your favourite colour? Grey-green, like the Australian bush. And silver grey.
25. What is/are your least favourite things? I'm with Chiara on this. My least favourite thing is definitely creepy joggers who do unpleasant things to themselves in the direction of teenage girls who are minding their own business.
26. Are you in love with anyone? If only.
27. How many people have a crush on you right now? Hmm... I'm willing to bet not very many.
28. Who do you miss most right now? My sister. Yes, I'm pleased to have the big room, but the house seems so empty. Only children must be very lonely people.
29. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? It would be exciting, but's also unlikely.
30. What are you wearing right now? Jeans big enough on me to take off without undoing, a pink singlet top, and the tent jumper.
31. What are you listening to right now? Actually, nothing. I had it all turned off because I was practicing.
32. What was the last thing you ate? Toasted (vegan)cheese sandwiches
33. If you were a crayon what colour would you be? White, because no one can ever quite work out what it could be used for.
34. How is the weather right now? I'm not entirely sure on account of it being night time right now.
35. Last person you talked to on the phone? Monica
36. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? Shoulders. And backs.
37. Do you like the person who sent this? Chiara is possibly the coolest person I know.
39. Favourite drink? Pineapple juice
40. Favourite alcoholic drink? Newly Kahlua, but vodka's the old family favourite.
41. Favourite sports? I have an ideological objection to this question.
42. Eye colour? Green with grotty brown splodges. (But hey, according to Cosmo, recent surveys have indicated that men consider green eyes with hazel spots to be the most sexy. Weird how wrong they can be.)
43. Do you wear contacts? Nope.
44. Favourite month? Now people have to have a favourite month? What is the world coming to?
45. Favourite foods: Indian, Mexican and Greek food, dark chocolate, anything with berries.
46. Last movie you watched? I'm not entirely sure.
47. Favourite song? At the moment possibly "O soave fanciulla" from La Boheme, or maybe the Song to the Moon from Rusalka.
48. Are you too shy to ask someone out? You wouldn't guess it of me, would you?
49. Scary movies or happy endings? If I'm cheery, scary. If I'm all depressed and eating icecream straight out of the tub, happy endings.
50. Hugs or kisses? Depends who from... but probably hugs.
51. Relationships or one night stands? Relationships.
52. Who is likely to respond? Ha, probably no one.
53. Who is least likely to respond? Most people. Particulary Jesse, Celeste and Richard.
54. Favourite smells? The warm spicy things. Jasmine, chocolate, cinnamon, coffee beans, sandalwood.
55. What is the first thing you do when u wake up? On a get up early day, stumble across the room half blind to turn off the bloody alarm clock. On any other day, always an archey back stretch. Less immediately, I like to do that thing where you put your head down in the shower so your hair gets plastered down over your face. Very relaxing.
56. If you died and came back as an animal what would you be? I'd like to be some sort of bird, maybe a hummingbird or a wild budgerigar. But realistically, I'd probably be wild boar, or something else that snorts.
57. Is the person that sent this to you attractive? Completely.
59. If you could have one wish what would it be? That humans would get over themselves and learn some respect.
60. Who are your best friends? Sarah, Chris and Chek, first and foremost. Then, too many to name.
61. Who are the funiest ppl you've met? Chiara, Angie, Sandra, Erin, Sarah, Chris... hell, I wouldn't be friends with someone with no sense of humour.
62. Who are the most genuine friends? Chris' answer is still the best. What's the point of any friend who isn't genuine?