Jun 06, 2005 08:58
now that i think about it..
what the hell was i thinking?
all day on the river..
all night on the backporch..
"how much were they?"
"i have no secrets."
"you ok?"
and everything was alright for a while.
i'm starting to think it will never happen.
at least for now she knows peace.
do you ever wonder what eludes you?
what you're missing?
May 31, 2005 13:26
and it will hit like a sack of rocks.
take you by storm and make you smile
lift you up even.
what was that you ask?
what rose from the depths like a rocket?
the realization. a better understanding.
brought on by the urge to share, then restraint.
what are you getting out of it?
May 26, 2005 09:07
i'm afraid of your whatever...
how often do you betray your best interests?
May 02, 2005 00:11
i've always had this problem..
everywhere i am, i dont want to be there..
tell others? no - they'd take it wrong..
pissed, pisses off my dad..
never really happy that way..
only place i've ever really wanted to be..
-i haven't been there yet-
so i've decided to look for it.
Apr 26, 2005 21:41
when i finally came to terms with it.
it scared the shit out of me.
seeing the future a little too late.
do i have enough time to change it?
simply haunted, haunting.
is it the end of classes?
is it the beginning of a new direction?
where am i headed?
more importantly, what am i coming from?
how will i find myself in this
Apr 26, 2005 18:49
how hard can it be to keep a secret?