Title: Smile
Pairing: Ed/Winry
Rating: PG
Word count: 186
Series: Brotherhood, no spoilers.
Summary: Their first two kisses
A/N: A birthday gift for
flybourne , love you always <3
The first time Ed had kissed her, they were in a fort made out of bed sheets and chairs. She remembers how Al was asleep, curled up and living the colourful dreams he will one day sorely miss.
She remembers trying to keep awake. Ed had started reading some stupid book after Al had fallen asleep; her back was facing both of them. She remembers watching the shadows inside the tent and hearing Ed close his book softly, probably trying not to wake Al. She remembers hearing him crawl towards her and how she closed her eyes quickly, pretending to be asleep.
It was only for half a second but Ed had pressed his lips to her left cheek. She remembers how difficult it was to stop herself from smiling.
The next time he had kissed her, it was nearly a decade later and she remembers how they ended up sleeping together. Her bed was too small, so in the end they were squished together, with Ed having to hold Winry closely, so she doesn’t fall off the bed. She remembers smiling the entire time.