Yesterday it was my birthday, I hung one more year on the line

Jul 09, 2013 15:38

(Okay, actually it was three days ago, but that's not the lyric).

Birthdays seem a good time to make life-update posts, so here we go.

Work is work. Right now I am very bored and feeling extremely underutilized. I SHOULD use that time to take trainings on software I don't know how to use well or write a novel or take some sort of initiative, but mostly I use it to play Candy Crush. I'm not sure that project management is where I want to be, but I do know that I want a promotion and a chance to actually do something. Or at least be appropriately compensated for the work I do (I pointed out that if someone two pay grades above me is being assigned the same work, that work is either above my pay grade or below hers, and we should maybe be better about assigning work based on knowledge/skills/abilities as well as pay grade/job title). I know that there are people higher up who are pushing to promote me, so that's gratifying, but it will be more gratifying if/when it happens. Having a better salary/title would also be helpful if I decide to leave, as it will look better on a CV when I apply elsewhere.

I haven't worked at the theatre in a while, but that's mostly due to a) my schedule being full in May/June and b) their schedule being light in July. But I do like it. AND I get paid to see the plays now, which is pretty epic.

I go back and forth on trivia. On the one hand, I love the performance aspect of it. I love having a mic in my hand and getting a room full of people to laugh at your jokes is a great high. On the other hand, having them not laugh, and not really even listen to half of what you say is a bit demoralizing. And right now I'm basically the go-to sub, so I'm at new venues every month and don't have the time to really develop a rapport with the players. Nor do I make a lot of money doing it; you get paid more per game the more games you host per week, I'm not 100% sure that hosting one game/week is really worth the trouble.

I am officially retired from the Board of Black Rose and from being a TNG Coordinator. I was a coordinator for 5 years and a board member for 4 straight years, and I was ready to be done. I'm still presenting at Dungeon 101 and I'm still on the communications team for BR, but I don't have to go to Board meetings and I don't have to do agendas and I can go to events because I want to, not because I have to. I don't know if I'll ever run again, I'm not ruling it out, but I don't think it's good for the organization to have the same people serving over and over and over. I'll get my EBM nametag and I'll do my best to live up to the title, but I am glad to be done.
I'm still a volunteer at the Crucible, and will still probably be Camp Crucible staff. If/when there's a BR Big Event I'll probably volunteer to be staff for that too. I like being event staff, I like having special access and privileges and a defined role. But I also like being free to do what I want.

kinksville and I are planning to move in together, though we don't have a firm timetable. We have to get his condo ready to rent out first. We've moved my storage unit to MD and put a large portion of his books and some furniture in the same unit in preparation. His bathroom's been remodeled and we are planning on painting this weekend. I am excited to be able to come home to him. I'm also excited for some of the practical aspects, like having someone to split chores with and being able to grocery shop/cook for more than one person. And since spending the weekend with him will mean spending the weekend at home, I'll actually be home more, presumably.
We are looking for a minimum three-bedroom place, probably in College Park or Greenbelt. It has to be three bedrooms because we need one for each of us, plus one for
zammis. She won't be living there full-time, but it's important that she has a room of her own so that she can come over any time she likes, and so that no one feels like they're being kicked out of their space in favor of another partner. Also, I like her and stuff and want to make sure she's got an incentive to come over.

Our relationship is really going well;
kinksville is really good at making me feel loved and understood, which is nice. He never makes me feel mysterious or inscrutable or difficult. Also, he is sweet and wonderful and the Best Boyfriend Ever. Hopefully living together doesn't ruin what we have (I don't think it will, but sometimes too much togetherness can be a bad thing, which is another reason for everyone to have separate bedrooms).

I am really unhappy with my body lately; I think I am the heaviest I've ever been. My clothes aren't fitting the way I want them to and I'm not in the shape I want to be in. But I've gotten back on the exercise bandwagon. I'm debating rejoining Weight Watchers. I was on it for a while, and it worked when I first started, and then I just sort of stopped tracking, mostly because I couldn't figure out how to track some of what I was eating. When my wallet got stolen in April and all my cards got replaced I just never updated my billing information, since I wasn't really using it and felt dumb spending money on it. (Also, working at a bar two nights a week wasn't really conducive to good eating choices, it's amazing the difference it made cholesterol numbers when I stopped doing that.) Hopefully sharing a kitchen will mean healthier meals as we try to look out for each other. I went swimming yesterday and I'm hoping to go to the gym before I host trivia tonight. I want to get back to biking more too, but the heat and humidity have made that really unappealing lately. Fitocracy is helping though; I really like seeing the points add up and achieving personal records. I'm trying to aim for a "something is better than nothing" point of view - it's okay if I don't hit every goal I set for myself, the important thing is that I try, and if I only do 25 push-ups instead of 35, well, at least I did them.

So, that's basically it. Life goes on, I work a lot, I spend a lot of time with my sweetheart, I probably don't get enough sleep, and my calendar is very colorful. But on balance, I'm pretty happy with life.
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